This game is really good. I bought it not knowing if I'd like it. Legit havent played Ace Combat since an Ace Combat 2 demo disc for PS1.
Its challenging but rewarding. Level design is really well thought out. Its not just a kill everything game. You need some strategy to go with your flying skills. Load out for missions also matters. Radio chatter is actually useful in missions. Visual cues are important. The cloud and weather shyt is not just for show, gameplay implications exist throughout. You will fail some missions and the game can be punishing with its checkpoint system (or lack thereof). Retry from checkpoint often means "you're starting from the beginning chump." Only time you actually get a checkpoint is if there is a big cutscene somewhere during the mission. Otherwise you are playing 20+ minute missions with 0 checkpoints. One mission even took me around 45 minutes to complete, that one did have 1 checkpoint though. Dying can be frustrating but figuring out the problem and completing the stages is rewarding.
Saying this after I completed the first 12 missions.
Story makes no sense but maybe it will come together later? I dont know. TBH I wouldnt even care since the gameplay itself is great.
Also one major thing that western journalists are getting blown up over is the control scheme. Standard and Expert are the choices, but they were named wrong IMO. It should be Novice and Standard. Calling the base controls expert scare off players and journalists thinking its some next level shyt, but no, its just the standard controls. If you pick this up put it on expert controls immediately. This isnt some elite gamer shyt, expert is legit the normal control scheme. Novice limits you greatly and takes away a lot of the fun. I played the first 2 missions with "standard" controls and it was wack. Turned on expert and replayed those missions and had a lot more fun and did way better.