Their not racist in the way your thinking, they stereotype blacks the same way white Hollywood does, QT use of the word in some of his movies implies that he's racist but the roles he writes for black characters implies that his view of Afro Americans are positive.
1.) You say "They" meaning Tyler Perry. He's not stereotyping anything.
You don't watch his movies, but you have a strong opinion bout them. Thats what we'll mostly encounter on this website. Kids who ain't seen shyt putting something in a box cuz of what the got from the preview. Madea would be a stereotype if Madea wasn't based on a real person... His Grandmother
He says thats how she acted, and I know of other ppls grandmothers who carried themselves in a similar fashion... not quite as outspoken/over the top
But similar. Madea's over the topness is for movie entertainment purposes
And NO, white ppl cannot make a character like that w/out it being a stereotype UNLESS they grew up in a black family and had a grandmother like that themselves

(just clearing things up) Because if you never had a person like that in your life? Then you might view the character as "a stereotype"
But this particular topic is deep and I don't have a definitive answer, you see...
Every black person doesn't have a grandmother like that

Or a family member like that. And they don't live around family members who carry themselves like that. So those ppl would be quick to call what Tyler Perry does as "c00ning". But thats based more so on what they feel on how white people would view it. Older Black people not worried about that, they just want to be entertained. They worry about that type of shyt where it matters, when white folk is trying to make black ppl look bad. Not when black ppl are trying to make other black ppl laugh. Haters never stopped to think "Who does Tyler Perry Cater too, and do they love him?"
If the answer is yes, maybe YOU are out of touch with your elders
my mom got h!s mov!es & some of the actual plays theyre based on... every one !ve seen got sp!r!tual undertones & the plays even got people s!ng!n gospel songs & pra!s!n jesus... he putt!n other blacks on... got em on broadway & network... made h!s lane.... ! dont get where the hate...
! guess ! need to see the c00n!sh rac!st mov!e he made, ! musta missed that one...
so perry does what everybody else !n h!s f!eld does but hes black so !ts d!fferent, got that.... QT says n!gger !n most h!s movies but has a deeper character!zat!on of the roles black people play so !ts d!fferent, got that... th!s !s a mov!e set !n slavery days so they say n!gger a lot for autent!c!ty, got that.... st!ll dont get the hate for perry... everyth!ng !ve seen from h!m promotes upl!ft!n, pos!t!ve sp!r!tual messages the whole t!me..... the b!g ch!ck who plays cora (sp??) s!ngs her ass off about God !n them plays ! saw... only !gnorant black characters !ve seen are the bell hop, madea & mr. brown, sadly most popular too.... we talk!n katt w!ll!ams, suge kn!ght & slavery mov!e... why was perry even ment!oned here...
Thats the other part, dude said Quinten puts black ppl in prominent roles

Just cuz black ppl in his movies haven't been used as horses yet doesn't mean they have prominent roles. Everyone I can think of dies, is a drug dealer, a theif, is doing some kind of crime in pretty much everyone of his flicks. But what White ppl in general is missing? Its the messages.
You know, how a lot of ppl when they see a black person period. Thoughts like "Are they a thug" or I don't know... How about Trayvon Martin

Q.T basically put a scene out there that made white ppl happy, and made black ppl feel uncomfortable
Hey, at least his character was dating a black chick.. so its all good