Gettin' It In
[ame=]James Brown - Unchained (The Payback / Untouchable) [Explicit] DJANGO UNCHAINED (OST) - YouTube[/ame]
I'm not talking quality of work. I'm talking about the fact that "Black" people shyt on Tyler Perry for c00ning but in the next breath will write thirty sentence statements defending QT saying "******" 100 times per film.
You hear it all the time not just quentin tarrantino movies the words been censored up untill J lo decided she wanted to include "nikka" in one of her songs after that its just become a word like "ass, bytch or damn"
Boondocks teacher calls student nikka (real and cartoon compared) - YouTube
This literally has nothing to do with what I'm talking about.
I'm not talking quality of work. I'm talking about the fact that "Black" people shyt on Tyler Perry for c00ning but in the next breath will write thirty sentence statements defending QT saying "******" 100 times per film.
[QT overrated...lemme guess spike lee in ya top 5
QT overrated...lemme guess spike lee in ya top 5
^^ Listen to this lil nygga.
bu bu but its not historically accurate!!No sh!t we all know you american nyggas aint built like that,
my Haitians. Will be at the first screening on Christmas day
only question is should i bring my PAWG or not
I'm not talking quality of work. I'm talking about the fact that "Black" people shyt on Tyler Perry for c00ning but in the next breath will write thirty sentence statements defending QT saying "******" 100 times per film.
In a year in which Hollywood has been consumed with America's original sin, it's the year's best film about slavery.
. Django, a slave, is rescued by a bounty hunter named King Schultz. Django's wife is owned by a cotton plantation owner named Calvin Candie, played by a deliciously malevolent and brilliantly cruel Leonardo DiCaprio.
Django Unchained is nearly three hours long, and the time is filled with slaves being whipped, dogs chewing slaves to death while bystanders watch, slaves forced to gouge out each other's eyes, slave women given to houseguests the way one might give a basket of decorative soaps, slaves kept in burning holes to die by thirst, slaves having their balls cut off with red-hot blades, and so on. The amazing thing about watching all this is that it's all perfectly Tarantinoesque, but it's also for the most part historically accurate.
Tarantino's movie will not receive nearly the adulation that Lincoln will at the Academy Awards.
But Django Unchained is more honest (and much more enjoyable) than Lincoln.
@ the amount of ppl defending the excessive usage of the word for a fictional film while conveniently over looking QT's history of using the word unnecesarily
stephen marche:
now white people [and all other anglophiles] will sit [for ''nearly three hours''] and enjoy this movie but close they ears anytime a nigguh bring up the horrors of slavery...people wont bother reading incidents in the life of a slave girl [harriet jacobs] but they will run to the theater to see django unchained and then act like tarantino did something important and great...