AA goes halfway across the world to tell Egyptian they not real Egyptians


Jul 19, 2015
Says the cac mixing opinions with timelineles statements trynna pass it off as fact
I said some things were my opinion. There is a difference between stating an opinion and presenting a poorly researched article as some kind of fact.
I also replied with recent DNA studies from scientific journals and news sources.
If that's the only response you can muster then, I don't see where I'm wrong in my response to the article.


Aug 26, 2015
#ByrdGang (formerly Eastcoastnaga)
You don't think that there is much more to discover about ancient Egypt? New things are being found all the time..I don't see how that's eurocentric, I find it interesting that new things will be discovered.
I'm not finessing anything, AUC is doing great work in the research and discovery of Egyptian history.
I'm not saying that you have to be an Egyptologist to come to your conclusions, that's not my point. The point I was making is that there is a wealth of history there and if you look for evidence of racial characteristics of Egyptians, you will find whatever suits you. We'll just have to agree to disagree.

The last thing Afrikans need is for cacs and sand cacs to keep fukking with ancient holy lands they had NOTHING to do with except for invasion, destroying & exploiting for financial gain.

Frankly all Caucasoids & Mongoloids should be expelled from the entire continent but nikkas still got Stockholm syndrome.


Aug 26, 2015
#ByrdGang (formerly Eastcoastnaga)
I said some things were my opinion. There is a difference between stating an opinion and presenting a poorly researched article as some kind of fact.
I also replied with recent DNA studies from scientific journals and news sources.
If that's the only response you can muster then, I don't see where I'm wrong in my response to the article.

You were wrong the moment you said this...

It's almost impossible to know the race of the ancient Egyptians..

Get your fork tongued lies and opinions out of here that shyt holds no weight in 2016


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
The country is in the midst of chaos and he thinks this is what's on the average locals mind.
Egyptians do have some mixture of Arab and subsaharan DNA, the latest study put outside mixture accounting for less than 10% mixture, with Coptics having the least mixture and of course Nubians have significant sub Saharan DNA.
Yes, they call themselves Arabs, but that's a cultural identity rather than hereditity.
It's almost impossible to know the race of the ancient Egyptians..of course the old mummies are hard to test because of their conditions.
In my personal opinion, I think the Egyptians you see now are the same as the ancients. Also, were talking about kingdoms that existed 6-7,000 years ago and lasted for 3,000+. Does everyone really think they can point at a few pictures and be an expert? I mean 3,000+ years of different dynasties, invasions, migration!
At the end of the day, if you want the ancient Egyptians to be black, you can be right because there we're times that Nubians ruled the country and you're bound to find evidence of black looking statues or African types on the walls of tombs. If you want then to be Caucasian, you're right too, because you can find evidence in how they generally distingushed themselves from Nubians and the Caucasian or at least non black selection of everyday ancients. Even though Afrocebtrists insist of calling the place Kemet, the word has nothing to do with people, only the color of the soil.
I just can't get over how long their history is and also, keep in mind that Egyptologist have only scratched the surface on ancient Egypt. They have basically built the story of ancient Egypt on literal scraps of information. At the most 30% of ancient Egypt has been discovered.

One question I've always wondered is, why don't actual Egyptians get to have any say about who they are or were? Why is it up to us westerners to define them with our antiquated definitions of race? There are prominant schools of Egyptology, right inside Egypt that are dedicated to their own history. I don't know why it's our fight to be honest. That guy is wasting his time basing his esteem that much on Ancient Egypt that he's made a fool of himself.

The DNA is already out on the matter. The Original egyptians were full black Africans. Why you cac00ns refuse to believe the science is beyond me. Literally everything else you typed is nothing but your ignorant opinion.


Mar 24, 2014
Tutankamun the boy prince was recently revealed to be black African. Europeans for some odd reason think all black property and invention is up for grabs..they even tried to claim great Zimbabwe ruins had to have been built by a cac traveller. These are the people we allow to dictate our own history back to us.
Egyptian Arabs know they are not indigenous to the area and arrived to populate it same as Moroccans and Algerians once they'd committed mass Genocide on the native Black Africans..they should focus on their own history and leave Africa alone. It has nothing to do with them..same as they invaded south Africa. I've heard white south Africans try claim they inhabited south Africa before Black people..that is why they cannot be taken seriously and will lie through their teeth to get what they want..fukk all cacs and Arabs by the way..


All Star
May 15, 2015
The country is in the midst of chaos and he thinks this is what's on the average locals mind.
Egyptians do have some mixture of Arab and subsaharan DNA, the latest study put outside mixture accounting for less than 10% mixture, with Coptics having the least mixture and of course Nubians have significant sub Saharan DNA.
Yes, they call themselves Arabs, but that's a cultural identity rather than hereditity.
It's almost impossible to know the race of the ancient Egyptians..of course the old mummies are hard to test because of their conditions.
In my personal opinion, I think the Egyptians you see now are the same as the ancients. Also, were talking about kingdoms that existed 6-7,000 years ago and lasted for 3,000+. Does everyone really think they can point at a few pictures and be an expert? I mean 3,000+ years of different dynasties, invasions, migration!
At the end of the day, if you want the ancient Egyptians to be black, you can be right because there we're times that Nubians ruled the country and you're bound to find evidence of black looking statues or African types on the walls of tombs. If you want then to be Caucasian, you're right too, because you can find evidence in how they generally distingushed themselves from Nubians and the Caucasian or at least non black selection of everyday ancients. Even though Afrocebtrists insist of calling the place Kemet, the word has nothing to do with people, only the color of the soil.
I just can't get over how long their history is and also, keep in mind that Egyptologist have only scratched the surface on ancient Egypt. They have basically built the story of ancient Egypt on literal scraps of information. At the most 30% of ancient Egypt has been discovered.

One question I've always wondered is, why don't actual Egyptians get to have any say about who they are or were? Why is it up to us westerners to define them with our antiquated definitions of race? There are prominant schools of Egyptology, right inside Egypt that are dedicated to their own history. I don't know why it's our fight to be honest. That guy is wasting his time basing his esteem that much on Ancient Egypt that he's made a fool of himself.

:dead:I swear you're a dumbass. Let me guess, you're one of those who think all blacks are supposed to be as jet black as some of the Nubians right ?

I love how you highlighted Nubian rule (which was the 25th dynasty) as if the previous dynasties were non African. So how do you suppose statues like this, which were made in the 11th dynasty (long before Nubian rule), exist ?


I bet your dumbass also thinks the Nubians were homogenous and that there weren't different tribes and features amongst them also :pachaha:This is a picture of Egyptian and Nubian soldiers, yet they are virtually indistinguishable from each other :dwillhuh:

The point i'm making is idiots like you that try to pigeon hole the features of Africans need to get fukk outta here. Sounding like some white supremacist.

We all know Egypt became mixed as the dynasties progressed but it was founded by indigenous Africans. Do you think its a coincidence that the part of Egypt ( southern Egypt ) which has historically been less susceptible to foreign invasions and migrations is also the same part which has genetically more African DNA. What does that clearly tell you ? The same some southern Egypt that is closer to Africa's interior, which is where the civilisation was formed, yet not at the north of the country closer to the middle east :ohhh:

Not to mention all the mummies tested so far have been found to be genetically African and all of the mummies lived long before Nubian rule



The Bando
May 2, 2012
Genetic analysis of modern Egyptians reveals that they have paternal lineages common to indigenous North-East African populations primarily and to Near Eastern peoples to a lesser extent—these lineages would have spread during the Neolithic and were maintained by thepredynastic period.[97][98] University of Chicago Egyptologist Frank Yurco suggested a historical and regional continuity, saying:

"Certainly there was some foreign admixture [in Egypt], but basically a homogeneous African population had lived in the Nile Valley from ancient to modern times... [the] Badarian people, who developed the earliest Predynastic Egyptian culture, already exhibited the mix of North African and Sub-Saharan physical traits that have typified Egyptians ever since (Hassan 1985; Yurco 1989; Trigger 1978; Keita 1990; Brace et al., this volume)... The peoples of Egypt, the Sudan, and much of East Africa, Ethiopia and Somalia are now generally regarded as a Nilotic (i.e. Nile River) continuity, with widely ranging physical features (complexions light to dark, various hair and craniofacial types) but with powerful common cultural traits, including cattle pastoralist traditions (Trigger 1978; Bard, Snowden, this volume). Language research suggests that this Saharan-Nilotic population became speakers of the Afro-Asiatic languages... Semitic was evidently spoken by Saharans who crossed the Red Sea into Arabia and became ancestors of the Semitic speakers there, possibly around 7000 BC... In summary we may say that Egypt was a distinct Afro-Asiatic African culture rooted in the Nile Valley and on the Sahara."[99]

Copts and Arabs have no claims to ancient African history: Today's Egyptians not identical to ancients | Egyptsearch Reloaded

So Somalis don't share heritage with AE right? :umad:


Mar 24, 2014
White people have zero credibility when it comes to historical facts.
If they can steal rock n roll and claim Elvis Presley as the king of a Black artform and pretend he's its creator then you cannot believe a word they say about ancient history..and this all happened a few decades ago in living memory what then of events over 1000s of years ago..they need to get off our dikks once and for all..


Jul 23, 2015
The DNA is already out on the matter. The Original egyptians were full black Africans. Why you cac00ns refuse to believe the science is beyond me. Literally everything else you typed is nothing but your ignorant opinion.

Yh the original native Egyptians were black, but the ones that build the pyramids aint black they are similar to the people in Algeria as I said before. Man what wrong with yall how you think this shyt makes actual egyptians feel, nikkas from fukking West Africa claiming they was once the kings of their heritage fukk man.