AA goes halfway across the world to tell Egyptian they not real Egyptians


Sep 16, 2015
a dark skin arab in Africa basically a black African whom speaks and practices arab culture:comeon:

honestly Africa is probably the only place in the world black can get away with claiming arab..amongst true arabs Sudanese arabs get wakeup calls all and epiphany about their blackness often:mjpls:...take the example below for instance

Lebanon seeks to contain fallout from raid on Sudanese cancer fundraising event
June 20, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — The Lebanese government moved quickly today to defuse anger caused by media reports that security forces in Beirut ruthlessly raided a cancer fundraising event hosted by Sudanese citizens.


A member of the Lebanese Internal Security Forces (AFP)
Lebanese newspapers this week quoted some of those who attended as accusing the police of using brutality to disperse the gathering at a ballroom in Al-Awaze’y area South of Beirut, shouting racial slurs against them.

The eyewitnesses said that minutes into the party, heavily armed Lebanese police broke in and started beating them with batons calling them names such as "animals" and "******s".

A man by the name of Alaa Al-Abdullah told Al-Nashra newspaper that despite being present legally in Lebanon he and the others were forced to lay on their stomach in the street after blocking car entry into the area. He added that police forces placed their boots on their heads and necks.

Another man by the name of Abbas said that when they were asked by the police how they speak Arabic so fluently, they responded by saying that they are Arabs from Sudan. According to him, the officers thought they were "making fun of them" and started another round of beating.

Others said that Lebanese people living in the area intervened and tried to protect the Sudanese forcing the police to call for reinforcements.

The Sudanese citizens were taken to the police station and those with legal residency were released afterwards.

But the head of the Lebanese general security director-general Wafiq Jazini denied abuse of force by the police saying that the Sudanese attempted to escape and described accounts saying otherwise as "lies". Jazini stressed that only those who were in the country illegally have been detained.

The Sudanese discussion boards started a campaign calling for boycotting Lebanese businesses in the country which range from lavish restaurants to cell phone companies across Sudan. A petition is being generated demanding an investigation and an apology.

There are around 750 Lebanese citizens living in Sudan, according to figures from the Lebanese embassy in Khartoum.

Many people in Sudan accuse Lebanese of viewing them as underdogs and being racist against them because of their color.

Sudan official news agency (SUNA) quoted the Lebanese ambassador Ahmed Ibrahim Shamat as condemning the events that took place and beating of Sudanese citizens.

Shamat who was speaking at a press conference at the embassy said that an investigation is underway to determine responsibility and that those implicated will be punished.

The diplomat said he conveyed apologies of the Lebanese foreign minister over what happened and said that it should not have any impact on bilateral relations. He criticized calls for boycotting Lebanese products and businesses saying that they are blowing things out of proportion.

In response to questions about racial remarks allegedly made by Lebanese security, Shamat said that priests wear black color as a sign of respect and that the Kaaba in Mecca is covered in black silk.

The Sudanese foreign ministry spokesperson Muawiya Khalid told reporters that the embassy in Beirut will seek to resolve statuses of those present illegally and reinstating the rights of those who were victims to police brutality if proven.

Khalid called on Sudanese living abroad to adjust their statuses and ensure they have papers entitling them to live there.

Lebanese are racist towards Palestinians and yemenis wat makes u think they like sudanese

They are always known as the dogs of the arab world

Jan 26, 2015

Nail in the coffin.

I spit my coffee out when breh said south sudanese are the og egyptians/nubians


all i see are black Africans....and yes South Sudanese were likely apart of Ancient Egypt and certainly have more legit ties to the Kemite than than the sand cacs currently occupying is' sacred land.:yeshrug:


Sep 16, 2015
all i see are black Africans....and yes South Sudanese were likely apart of Ancient Egypt and certainly have more legit ties to the Kemite than than the sand cacs currently occupying is' sacred land.:yeshrug:

Nahhh son

I dont think the south sudanese are capable of running a large empire like egypt im-fkn-possible
Jan 26, 2015
Lebanese are racist towards Palestinians and yemenis wat makes u think they like sudanese

They are always known as the dogs of the arab world

yeah i'm sure Lebanese call Palestinians and arab Yemenis ****** animals, while beating them for suggesting they are arabs did those Sudanese akdams and Lebanese the only arabs whom question the legitimacy of Northern Sudanese claim:stopitslime:
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Jun 13, 2015
Sudan/New Zealand.


@ababda who is u kiddin?

Read this carefully, and i know exactly what website you got it from

Egyptian art also depicts a regional distinction in Nubian physical types.24 During the Old and Middle Kingdoms, Egyptian rule extended to around the third cataract. Nubians are portrayed with skin of varying shades of darkness, distinctive dress and the facial features of an Egyptian. When the New Kingdom
extended its rule south beyond the fourth cataract, there was a corresponding change in the artist’s portrayal of the Nubian. The Southerners are shown with
distinct Negroid features—dark skin, everted lips, prognathous jaws and kinky hair (See Figure 10). All of the ancient Nubian wrestlers share a physiognomic
similarity to the south-Nubian Negroes alluded to in the Egyptian sources

The suggestion that the ancient Nubian wrestlers came from regions to the south of the fourth cataract seems to be confirmed by anthropological evidence. 25 Archaeologists examined a burial site at Gebel Moya and other hills in the Gezira of Sudan where remains date back to earlier than the twenty-fifth dynasty in Egypt. According to one of the archaeologists, “the cemeteries of this site have yielded the remains of a tall coarsely built Negro or Negroid race with extraordinarily massive skulls and jaws."26 There is a strong possibility that the southern Nubians portrayed in the wrestling scenes came from this part of the Sudan. Anthropologists further suggest that the Negro type of the Gezira hills immigrated to the Nuba hills of southern Kordofan. The image of the tall, dark and extremely muscular Nubian is strikingly reminiscent of the Nuba of southern Kordofan in the Sudan. These people have remained sheltered in the remote hill country from outside influences and are surrounded by people that are physically and linguistically different from them.27 Indeed, of the various people in the Sudan, none would seem better fit to be the descendants of the ancient Nubian wrestlers than those of the Nuba hill tribes of southern Kordofan.

Where is Gebel Moya located?

Jebel Moya is near present day South Sudan.

Nuba Wrestling


Jun 13, 2015
Sudan/New Zealand.
look at his features, he looks a typical horner, if we believe he is pure arab and not mixed with the native of sudan then damn..
so anwar al sadat is pure arab? lol

No, both Sadat parents were Nubians actually. Only difference is his father live in Egypt and his mother was from Sudan. This was a period of time when Egypt and Sudan was one country until 1950's
Jan 26, 2015
Nahhh son

I dont think the south sudanese are capable of running a large empire like egypt im-fkn-possible

the same can be said of the bummy a-rabs whom occupy modern Egypt:yeshrug:

but Ancient Egyptian art proves that jet black cattle keepers whom look similar to modern Nilotic Southern Sudanese cattle keepers had presence in Ancient Kemet



coincidence :patrice:ofcourse not:comeon:


Jun 13, 2015
Sudan/New Zealand.
i know of this but asking what that poster specifically as he mentioned that bashir was Arab.

Bashir is Ja'alin which is a tribe in the North. Arabs never really ruled Sudan, some came and migrated and few mixed with the locals, so there was no replace of the majority of the original population. At the same time after the collapse of the Christian Kingdom in Northern Sudan(nile valley) and Upper Egypt, the area was ruled by two groups by the Ottomans or Turks and also a black group that originally came from South Sudan called the Funj that ruled the Nile Valley at that time.

Christian frecoes look no different from the local population.


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