A woman was drugged and raped at an Atlanta club while on Facebook(Update Williams arrested)


Jan 4, 2017
He needs to take accountability because in this situation he is the perpetrator and she is the victim. Her club going days are likely never going to be the same. Next time she'll probably stay close to a friend, or not drink so much, if she ever goes again.

Imagine if someone broke in your house, and instead of focusing on arresting the suspect or even rectifying the issues of poverty or drugs or whatever reason they found out about why he broke in to your house or any house, they like well @mag357 should get stronger doors, or better locks, maybe invest in a security system, oh well he should have homeowners or renters insurance, thats what its for. If he's scared then he should tool up, etc.

You are the victim in that situation, yeah theres more and better precautions you can take in the future but as of now, in the situation where some nikka just ran through your crib, it aint about what you need to or should, shouldve done or do, its about that fool that ran through your crib.
Again, another great example that ima use back on u...
If I leave my blinds open, showing all the shyt i have in my crib.. living in a bad neighborhood... and I get robbed, of course the cops are going to do their job (like I'm saying is going to happen here but he just needs a fair shake)
But also the cops are going to look at me like :stopitslime: " nikka are u retarded"
No one is doing that to women..or this woman in particular.
I like to use a better analogy tho...
I ain't gay but let's say i went to a gay nite club..
Started dancing wit some nikka...I'm getting drunk...
The nikka does some shyt to me,smh...
Then I get in big ass gay twerk contest...
Then later the next day I start talking about how I was violated...
What the fukk do u think ppl are gonna say...
They gonna be like "wtf...that nikka musta wanted some dikk"...
Let's be real...
So really it's just women who get passed on accountability


May 14, 2012
Good point.. so I'll use it to make my point lol
Will Smith and Terry crews had different response to some sort of assault....
One response, I'm sure most would agree, is more of a natural response from a man who is about to be violated by another man...
The other person's response was not a natural response ...
So anyone with a brain would say, hmmmmmm I wonder if there is an agenda behind the situation where the one dude didnt respond naturally...
She doesn't add up...
We dnt know exactly what's going on but we just have a funny feeling about the situation...
There could be more to it .
And that's what I'm saying about this case...
And the whole thing about the pound of weed lol....
Cool... but we actually know what shorty did after being traumatized and sodomized by some random dude... the bytch pop that thing for the crowd, she didnt go stash her green lol

Jasmine is in her late 20's
Dominique is 34. He should know wayyy better.

While their situations are very similar. Will Smith risked it all. He seemingly wasnt concerned with the repercussions of directly and immediately addressing what happened.

Terry admitted he got angry, but he paused, he realized if he beat the shyt out of this white guy that off of GP he's going to jail, that on paper a frail old white man groping a strong buff black man prompting the black man to beat him up doesnt even sound real. He anticipated the negative backlash he would receive, not because he reacted to getting sexually assaulted but because he's a big buff black man beating a white man. You know and I know since he is black had he done that Fox news and everyone (racist media) would be "I understand his anger, however he needs to more appropriately deal with these situations, you cant just beat up people." and of course youd have the racist deniers who would troll and stick to their belief "he just beat him up because he's white, black men are thugs, even with money."

It adds up, I wouldve considered the backlash too but at the end of the day I wouldve had to check the guy immediately and directly and let him know that wasnt cool. Im not saying I wouldve beat him up. Terry Crews says he froze, then him and his wife left or some shyt. The Terry Crews thing isnt cut and dry. Everyone would reacted in their own way. Some people are willing to get to jail for that shyt, others would be too shook and pray that nobody ever hears of the situation.


May 14, 2012
Again, another great example that ima use back on u...
If I leave my blinds open, showing all the shyt i have in my crib.. living in a bad neighborhood... and I get robbed, of course the cops are going to do their job (like I'm saying is going to happen here but he just needs a fair shake)
But also the cops are going to look at me like :stopitslime: " nikka are u retarded"
No one is doing that to women..or this woman in particular.
I like to use a better analogy tho...
I ain't gay but let's say i went to a gay nite club..
Started dancing wit some nikka...I'm getting drunk...
The nikka does some shyt to me,smh...
Then I get in big ass gay twerk contest...
Then later the next day I start talking about how I was violated...
What the fukk do u think ppl are gonna say...
They gonna be like "wtf...that nikka musta wanted some dikk"...
Let's be real...
So really it's just women who get passed on accountability

I dont think you understand what it means to be held to accountability.

Even if you had no blinds and lived in the hood and someone broke in and stole are your shyt, you are still a victim. You would still get full insurance claims, police report etc. You not having blinds isnt going to deter or discredit any of the investigations.

You could be at one of those 24 hour gyms at 3 in the morning where 2 dudes decide to hold you down and rape you. You might go home, shaken, scared, angry, and shower (:snoop: which your not supposed to do), call in sick all week at work, then decide you want to go to the police.

That doesnt mean you wanted it or liked it or are to blame or were irresponsible. even the fact that you showered and waited. its just a fukked up situation.


May 14, 2012

her bein a thot and making pornos with her husband has nothing to do with dominique taking advantage of her.

its like when cacs talk about trayvon and say "He smoked weed, listened to rap music, skipped school, was known to get into fights" that has nothing to do with George Zimmerman stalking him at night in a truck, then chasing him down and shooting him to death.


Jan 4, 2017
I dont think you understand what it means to be held to accountability.

Even if you had no blinds and lived in the hood and someone broke in and stole are your shyt, you are still a victim. You would still get full insurance claims, police report etc. You not having blinds isnt going to deter or discredit any of the investigations.

You could be at one of those 24 hour gyms at 3 in the morning where 2 dudes decide to hold you down and rape you. You might go home, shaken, scared, angry, and shower (:snoop: which your not supposed to do), call in sick all week at work, then decide you want to go to the police.

That doesnt mean you wanted it or liked it or are to blame or were irresponsible. even the fact that you showered and waited. its just a fukked up situation.
This cant be real life... smh
NO ONE SAID THAT YOU ARE NOT STILL A VICTIM... (I capitalized that because know I've said that many times already)
I dnt think u and the bro that dapped u kn pi w what accountability means...
Yes... the crime happened... but I'm sure someone will have a conversation with u about home security...
I'm saying when it comes to these situation, no one is having that conversation about females having personal accountability... if u start to have that convo ppl call it victim blaming.
And ur second analogy about the gym doesnt even fit the situation brother...
The situation u described is txt book rape. No one would dispute that... unless there was other circumstances involved...
U cant compare that to a female who started twerking after she got "raped/sodomized "
Come on now... do yall just have 1 thing in yall head and u guys are just running with it . Because nothing I said sounds ridiculous.
U didnt even respond to my gay club analogy... because I bet if that was the situation ppl would look at it differently.. not saying ppl wouldn't get locked up and ur not some kind of victim if all the evidence lines up..
But society, the media.... shyt, even prolly law enforcement will look at u with a side eye