Brother, taking a person into custody, usually because they have been suspected of committing or planning a crime.
If a dude says I just tried to kill him, they probly gonna come apprehend me...
Especially if he had video of it...
But I'm not a lawyer and I've never studied law so I will concede...
I'm just saying any medical report or rape kit may have not shown anything... if she told the cops specifically what he did... this will be the charge.
If she would have said flat out rape, this would have been the charge...
Ppl get arrested for what u would call "hearsay" all the time bro
We gotta stop acting like surrounding evidence doesnt matter
We gotta agree to disagree on this. You may be stopped by the cops for no real reason at all. This we agree on, but the numbers of people actually sitting in jail for absolutely nothing are very low.
If you're in jail it's for a reason. Whether the cops searched you without probable cause but found some weed or a gun. Or whether you resisted arrest (felony) or ran from the cops (felony) your ass is locked up for a reason.
People aren't sitting in jail for no reason like

You saying your going to kill someone will get you in cuffs and taken to the police station where they will talk to you. They will find out are you just talking shyt or are you a credible threat to actually kill someone. Did you have a plan that you could carry out or were you just blowing off steam .
If you're not credible you're going home.
If she says she stuck his finger in her booty. Maybe it's the video. Maybe she needed stitches, maybe his fingernail scratched the inside of her booty hole.
But there is something. They don't just "take someone's word" on it.
Just like with domestic violence, it's he said she said but the police can see who has marks and they'll decide which party, if not both parties go to jail.