It isn't the first time you have been asked or had verbal diarrheaThe "essay" wouldn't have been necessary had your slow self understood me the first dozen times I've explained it.
It isn't the first time you have been asked or had verbal diarrheaThe "essay" wouldn't have been necessary had your slow self understood me the first dozen times I've explained it.
Are you mentally handicapped?It isn't the first time you have been asked or had verbal diarrhea
I can see that it's just in my experience the black men don't ever date black women.a lot of factors come in to play but i think the biggest factors are how other patriarchal women treat men vs how black women treat black men. a lot of us have had a string of negative experiences and choose to opt out. i just dont agree with nikkas opting out under the guise that they're still pro-black, and their children will be black as well
One is 31 the other is 27. I'm 29 if that helps. And this is partly why I just don't believe black men don't pick black women because we aren't fulfilling gender roles. I have plenty of other black men who followed this trend with varying family dynamics. My mother and father were both around and in the house.How old are they? (Tying to test my theory)
Or you feel like she does because you are bothwred by it. Seen black dudes talk so much trash about black girls and the moment they see one with a nonblack guy they have a problem with it but pretend like they above it. Both women and men do it...but let the coli tell it only women do it.
And you equated your blackness to how others perceive you. How could you not get what I was saying. You switched up half way through. That is you changing up race and why I posted it. And my point is still the same. You are NOT an individual if you are allowing white people to define you. I'm done talking to you cause you are typing nonsense. The fact that you concede black people cannot control and define the dialogue that represents their community, tells me you have no pride. I don't need to live by a white man's definition of tried to equate Being Black with being poor, abused uneducated and neglected,
you can change all of those except one
a mixed person who looks Black can identify as Black and also has the option to not identify as Black, if a racist cop perceives that person to be Black and wants to do the person harm, it doesn't matter what the individual identifies his or herself as.
Black people didn't give themselves the label Black, white people did, and they decide who is or isn't Black, not Black people.
As a Black person, you can shout that Barack Obama isn't Black until you're blue in the face and it will change nothing, it will literally have zero value, same goes for any Black person trying to classify and other Black or biracial person, it literally means nothing.
Black person to biracial person: "you're not Black, you're biracial" [nothing changes, it has no bearing on that person's life, it's meaningless outside of your personal record keeping]
And here is the root of the discussion. They would rather keep the white man's definition of black than create their own standard. It eases their mind and fancies their dikks.'Black women' is subjective. Alicia Keyes/Rashida Jones/Mariah Carey/Amber Rose are considered 'black women'. I always need to see the depiction of what one's considered 'black' because the definition is very loose.
And you equated your blackness to how others perceive you. How could you not get what I was saying. You switched up half way through. That is you changing up race and why I posted it. And my point is still the same. You are NOT an individual if you are allowing white people to define you. I'm done talking to you cause you are typing nonsense. The fact that you concede black people cannot control and define the dialogue that represents their community, tells me you have no pride. I don't need to live by a white man's definition of me.
I think this is most important. Even if mom and dad aren't together, the son needs to see a man respecting a woman period. And most of these men don't see other men doing it. They end up hating mom, and I'm not saying she is perfect. But men need to see men respecting women. And that is a problem in our community.The disrespect goes both ways marcuz. I am willing to bet that when the honeymoon stage is over these women y'all put on pedestal aren't the angels that y'all make them out to be.
Black people don't respect each other and gravitate toward other races thinking they are the exception to the rules among the degenerates.
A relationship with a mother will be different from a relationship with a woman. I believe that men value women based on how men treat them. You can be a wonder mother to your son but if your son does not see you being cherished by a man and also noticed that it being standard that blacl women are not cherished by their male counterparts by staying in a relationship with them...I believe that affects how young black boys interact with young black men romantically.
It's to the point where people expect black women to be perpetually alone. A woman can only do her part of raising children, she cannot replace the role a father takes in the life of her son and daughters.
This is the only black beauty to reach mainstream, without being marketed as biracial.
But often times these men don't respect their mother. I think they resent (hate is strong) that their father isnt around and blame her because she is there. I don't think homemaking skills are the only reason these men don't want black women. Because women of other races are still women and have issues and attitudes. I think it's the easy and tired excuse of some black's not the same. girls who grow up fatherless don't even know what to look for in a man. men with good mothers have a blueprint of what to look for, and often find these women dont exist in their dating pool. i'm sure promotion has a lot to do with the preference as well. but how we're received by black women has a much bigger impact on our perspective.
a lot of dudes want women of other races because they're the finished product of another mans patriarchy. making black woman seem a bit rough around the edges by comparison. i believe the only way to combat that is by having our own patriarchy that takes care of BW in the same way white, asian, other women are cared for.
Do people not realize race is a social construct?
It was created by whites, it doesn't biologically exist.
In the United States, racial definitions always change.
At one time, only Anglo-Saxons were considered white, now Irish peoples, Italian, Greek, Northern Africans, etc are considered white.