post I stole from another board from a dude who stays in one of the towns
I live in Mansfield. I was going to stay out of this because this incident is the result of sensationalism. We get all bent out of shape when we see headlines about Black people and Food stamps like they are living the life styles of the rich and famous or something. I really didn’t think an incident like this would make national news. This has happened before, just not on this big scale like this. Like most of the nation, negative comments are directing the blame in the wrong place. This was the fault of the REDNECK blame shifting management at the Mansfield Wal-Mart . . . plain and simple. The water we drink in Mansfield that affects most of the food stamp clients has killed a few people but nobody cares about that. The national news didn’t report that and there’s not pages of responses on this site about it. Sure, there were a FEW people taking advantage of the system . . . mostly friends and relatives of Wal-Mart employees. Mansfield is a small town of only about 7,000 people with a median income of a less than $30,000 a year for family of 4. In Mansfield everybody knows everybody, news travels fast like any other small town. However, you think I’d know who were the people that actually able to leave the store with hundreds of dollars’ worth of merchandise. But I don’t. . . at least not now. This leads me to believe there were not that many. Most of the people were turned around at the register. That’s why you had baskets of food in the all over the place in the store. MOST of the people were misinformed single mothers in a panic because they thought their CHILDREN were going to go HUNGRY because of the government shut down which had nothing to do with situation.