A Message to Trayvon Martin Sympathizers

May 1, 2012
A Message to Trayvon Martin Sympathizers | Romany Malco

I haven't touched on the Trayvon Martin issue because race matters in this country are the paralysis of the American people. To constructively discuss Trayvon would require empathy, introspection and an understanding of America's social and economic history. This is why the open forums we have seen thus far seem to fuel more ignorance and bias than reasonable debate.

To be brutally honest, the only reason people are even aware of Trayvon Martin is because it became a topic within mainstream news and pop culture. Meaning: News directors saw it as a profitable, sensational story. Hundreds of blacks die annually in South Side Chicago without even a blurb. Trayvon isn't in the mainstream news for any reason other than ratings and profit. The news coverage on the Zimmerman case almost implies that the killing of this young black man is somehow an anomaly and I resent that.

In this country, if it isn't streamlined through mainstream media and pop culture, it doesn't seem to warrant national debate. Our "government" continues to wreak havoc on our civil liberties and there is little to no protest from the black community because of media diversion tactics that keep such pertinent issues out of mainstream media. But if Jay-Z or Rihanna were to make mention of it, we'd suddenly be jolted out of our sugar comas and protesting on freeways.

My point being, people are up in arms about Trayvon based on regurgitated pundits and manipulated facts aired to elicit emotion while fueling America's anger and division. That's how you boost ratings. No different from Piers Morgan's desperate rant over gun control when he knew his ratings were in the dumps. And from where I stand, anyone who still relies on corporate-owned media pundits to support an argument isn't equipped to offer worthwhile solutions.

People are using Trayvon Martin's death as an excuse to project their own deep-seated issues with racism and will not be capable of intelligent, empathetic debate until they've cooled down and afforded themselves an education.

Addressing Trayvon without first addressing the absence of critical thinking in our schools, the lack of introspection, the reasons for our low tolerance and our country's skewed value system does nothing more than create a sounding board for the ignorant. So rather than facilitate more racism outcry, I'd like to address young black people specifically.

I believe we lost that trial for Trayvon long before he was killed. Trayvon was doomed the moment ignorance became synonymous with young black America . We lost that case by using media outlets (music, movies, social media, etc.) as vehicles to perpetuate the same negative images and social issues that destroyed the black community in the first place. When we went on record glorifying violent crime and when we voted for a president we never thought to hold accountable. When we signed on to do reality shows that fed into the media's stereotypes of black men, we ingrained an image of Trayvon Martin so overwhelming that who he actually may have been didn't matter anymore.

Don't you find it peculiar that the same media outlets who have worked so diligently to galvanize the negative stigmas of black men in America are now airing open debates on improving the image of black males in American media? Do you honestly think CNN is using their competitive time slots for philanthropy?

"You never want a serious crisis to go to waste." - Rahm Emanuel

If we really wanted to ensure Trayvon Martin's killing was not in vain, we'd stop perpetuating negative images that are now synonymous with black men in America. We'd stop rapping about selling drugs and killing nikkas. The next time we saw a man beating a woman, we'd call for help or break it up, but one thing we would not do is stand by with our cellphones out -- yelling WORLDSTAR! Instead of rewarding kids for memorization, we'd reward them for independent and critical thinking.

We'd spend less time subconsciously repeating lyrics about death and murder and more time understanding why we are so willing to twerk to songs that bemean women and boast of having things we cannot afford. We'd set examples of self-love for our youth by honoring our own hair, skin and eye color. We'd stop spending money on designer gear that we should be spending on our physical and psychological health. We'd seek information outside the corporate owned-media that manipulates us. We'd stop letting television babysit our kids and we'd quit regurgitating pundits we haven't come up with on our own.

Education, introspection, self-love and excellence are the only ways to overcome the wrath of ignorance. So before going back to popping molly and getting Turnt Up, I urge you to consider the implications of your actions. Your child's life may depend on it.

What do you guys think of this? I personally think he made some great points.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Stupid article. He contradicts himself for one. He says the only reason people care about the case is due to the media, then he blames black people for the negative stereotypes, but ignores the fact that its the media that promotes those images as well.

Also this line of thinking is stupid and just serves to justify the predjudice that white people have for minorities. Negative images on TV have nothing to do with how a real person should be perceived. There are negative images of all different colors and creeds on TV everyday.

So why is it that only the negative images of black people invoke hate/predjudice?

It's because the hate/predjudice is already there and the negative images are used to point fingers and justify that hate. But if all rappers, video hoes, ect went away today there will still be a white man searching for the next trevon tomorrow.

:pacspit: at the c00n that wrote this and any of you nikkas cosigning it.

Just like bruddas

Couple shooters in the cut.
May 1, 2012
So I guess since groups of people protesting in their hoods about violence doesnt exist cause its not national coverage?

Outrage didnt come from white on black violence it came from how the police handle the situation and how this society/law turns an blind eye in favor of racism



In high demand
May 2, 2012
All these people saying "you're all brainwashed by the media" and "you're all sheep" seriously need to shut the fukk up. Blacks didn't suddenly become outraged once Trayvon was killed and the story hit the media, they've been outraged for decades because alot of them have been victims of police brutality themselves or have friends/family that have been victims.

I'm so sick of people trying to tell blacks what they should feel and think.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
All these people saying "you're all brainwashed by the media" and "you're all sheep" seriously need to shut the fukk up. Blacks didn't suddenly become outraged once Trayvon was killed and the story hit the media, they've been outraged for decades because alot of them have been victims of police brutality themselves or have friends/family that have been victims.

I'm so sick of people trying to tell blacks what they should feel and think.

esp non blacks

The Nigerian

The Realest Member of TheColi
Jun 23, 2012
All The Way One Hunnid
The actor that wrote it is shamelessly fishing for more roles. Watch when they have him cast as the lead in the next butler movie they make.



✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
The responses in this thread have been far better informed than the article in question. While I do think the piece was well intentioned, this prevailing idea that negative black imagery being made representative of the whole started with rap and worldstar, is some serious historical and social illiteracy.

If you noticed, the narratives and assumptions about trayvon that won out, have a genealogy in the antebellum south, and Jim Crow. Those in the pro-zimmerman crowd kept making a big deal about TM's barely existent "lean" use, and his irrelevant "sexual texts"....the hyper-sexualized, drug-addled, young black buck roaming the streets, was the reason why so many anti-black laws were passed post emancipation. These racist notions predate the constitution, much less modern western society. Cant blame world star for our governing document initially describing us as "3/5ths" of a man.
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May 28, 2012
New York
All these people saying "you're all brainwashed by the media" and "you're all sheep" seriously need to shut the fukk up. Blacks didn't suddenly become outraged once Trayvon was killed and the story hit the media, they've been outraged for decades because alot of them have been victims of police brutality themselves or have friends/family that have been victims.

I'm so sick of people trying to tell blacks what they should feel and think.
If the police handled the situation like they were suppose to this case doesn't turn into what it became. The writer leads you to believe that the mainstream media blew this case up, that's not the case though...it was Facebook, the blogs, the forums, and believe it or not the WorldStars of the world. The mainstream media only got involved once the protest and the outrage started.

It's always funny to me to see white people's reaction when a child is killed (i.e: Sandyhook), but as soon as that child turns out to be black all sympathy gets tossed in the bushes :birdman:. It all boils down to 1 thing...the white man's fear of the black man. Clothes and slang don't make you guilty, it's their fear of your skin that makes you guilty in their eyes...I'll prove it to u.

One can easily take a look at this dude

and assume that he's a devil worshiper, a loner, and another Columbine waiting to happen...but they don't get prejudged like that because they don't fear his white skin. They view it like "ohh he's young and rebellious, he'll grow out of it". See that's the thing white people are allowed to be young and rebellious and it's not held against them, they certainly aren't being stopped and detained . A black child cant wear a hoody and be alil rebellious because they fear you from birth. You come out the womb under their suspicion. They can't see Trayvon was a child heading home, they see a black man heading home and in their mind that automatically makes you suspicious. Trayvon coulda been wearing a Brooks Brothers suit and it would not have changed the outcome.

EDIT: As black people you learn to live under that suspicion, you know when you go into certain stores your gonna get followed, you know that the police are gonna profile you, it is what it is. What this jury just did was set a precedent that even a normal white civilian has the right to stop you and ask you your where abouts and you must comply! Because there aint no such thing as "stand your ground" for a black man.
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✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
The article made some valid points. But even if Trayvon was a 4.0 student who had never been in trouble a day in his life and was the lead singer in the youth choir, it wouldn't have changed anything.

Its like the old joke....

What do you call a black man? A niqqer

What do you call a black doctor? A niqqer

Racists dont differentiate using context of character. Skin color is the only thing they grant meaning.

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
A Message to Trayvon Martin Sympathizers | Romany Malco

I haven't touched on the Trayvon Martin issue because race matters in this country are the paralysis of the American people. To constructively discuss Trayvon would require empathy, introspection and an understanding of America's social and economic history. This is why the open forums we have seen thus far seem to fuel more ignorance and bias than reasonable debate.

To be brutally honest, the only reason people are even aware of Trayvon Martin is because it became a topic within mainstream news and pop culture. Meaning: News directors saw it as a profitable, sensational story. Hundreds of blacks die annually in South Side Chicago without even a blurb. Trayvon isn't in the mainstream news for any reason other than ratings and profit. The news coverage on the Zimmerman case almost implies that the killing of this young black man is somehow an anomaly and I resent that.

In this country, if it isn't streamlined through mainstream media and pop culture, it doesn't seem to warrant national debate. Our "government" continues to wreak havoc on our civil liberties and there is little to no protest from the black community because of media diversion tactics that keep such pertinent issues out of mainstream media. But if Jay-Z or Rihanna were to make mention of it, we'd suddenly be jolted out of our sugar comas and protesting on freeways.

My point being, people are up in arms about Trayvon based on regurgitated pundits and manipulated facts aired to elicit emotion while fueling America's anger and division. That's how you boost ratings. No different from Piers Morgan's desperate rant over gun control when he knew his ratings were in the dumps. And from where I stand, anyone who still relies on corporate-owned media pundits to support an argument isn't equipped to offer worthwhile solutions.

People are using Trayvon Martin's death as an excuse to project their own deep-seated issues with racism and will not be capable of intelligent, empathetic debate until they've cooled down and afforded themselves an education.

Addressing Trayvon without first addressing the absence of critical thinking in our schools, the lack of introspection, the reasons for our low tolerance and our country's skewed value system does nothing more than create a sounding board for the ignorant. So rather than facilitate more racism outcry, I'd like to address young black people specifically.

I believe we lost that trial for Trayvon long before he was killed. Trayvon was doomed the moment ignorance became synonymous with young black America . We lost that case by using media outlets (music, movies, social media, etc.) as vehicles to perpetuate the same negative images and social issues that destroyed the black community in the first place. When we went on record glorifying violent crime and when we voted for a president we never thought to hold accountable. When we signed on to do reality shows that fed into the media's stereotypes of black men, we ingrained an image of Trayvon Martin so overwhelming that who he actually may have been didn't matter anymore.

Don't you find it peculiar that the same media outlets who have worked so diligently to galvanize the negative stigmas of black men in America are now airing open debates on improving the image of black males in American media? Do you honestly think CNN is using their competitive time slots for philanthropy?

"You never want a serious crisis to go to waste." - Rahm Emanuel

If we really wanted to ensure Trayvon Martin's killing was not in vain, we'd stop perpetuating negative images that are now synonymous with black men in America. We'd stop rapping about selling drugs and killing nikkas. The next time we saw a man beating a woman, we'd call for help or break it up, but one thing we would not do is stand by with our cellphones out -- yelling WORLDSTAR! Instead of rewarding kids for memorization, we'd reward them for independent and critical thinking.

We'd spend less time subconsciously repeating lyrics about death and murder and more time understanding why we are so willing to twerk to songs that bemean women and boast of having things we cannot afford. We'd set examples of self-love for our youth by honoring our own hair, skin and eye color. We'd stop spending money on designer gear that we should be spending on our physical and psychological health. We'd seek information outside the corporate owned-media that manipulates us. We'd stop letting television babysit our kids and we'd quit regurgitating pundits we haven't come up with on our own.

Education, introspection, self-love and excellence are the only ways to overcome the wrath of ignorance. So before going back to popping molly and getting Turnt Up, I urge you to consider the implications of your actions. Your child's life may depend on it.

What do you guys think of this? I personally think he made some great points.
What a disgusting article.


Some people are just so beaten down by the world they blame themselves when demons comitt blatant murder.

O wow friends, its so demonic, friends. :sitdown: