Lemme make this shyt another 10 pages. Ya'll solve this one.
1.Bottom left says none of the numbers are correct. Meaning on bottom right only zero is the correct one but placed wrong. Because the other numbers are invalid
2. Top row right says two are correct but placed wrong. We know zero is correct and now know from the top right and bottom right its slot is not in the second or the third number. So its in the first slot.
3. From top right we know now the other number has to be a two or a six, ( it said two are valid) leaving another number which will be a one or a four ( only numbers left)
4. Top left one number is well placed and correct. It features the two numbers two and six. Six is in zeros slot so it's not the one. Two is the one and its in the last slot. Also you can use the top middle to conclude that out of the numbers left one or four is valid. So six doesn't work.
5. So far we have zero in the first slot. six not existing meaning a two existed and well placed in the third slot. With the middle being a one or a four. But one in middle would be well placed in top middle which it says it's not. But four is because it's there but wrong placed in top middle.
2. Top row right says two are correct but placed wrong. We know zero is correct and now know from the top right and bottom right its slot is not in the second or the third number. So its in the first slot.
3. From top right we know now the other number has to be a two or a six, ( it said two are valid) leaving another number which will be a one or a four ( only numbers left)
4. Top left one number is well placed and correct. It features the two numbers two and six. Six is in zeros slot so it's not the one. Two is the one and its in the last slot. Also you can use the top middle to conclude that out of the numbers left one or four is valid. So six doesn't work.
5. So far we have zero in the first slot. six not existing meaning a two existed and well placed in the third slot. With the middle being a one or a four. But one in middle would be well placed in top middle which it says it's not. But four is because it's there but wrong placed in top middle.