I cannot co-sign nikkas hyping up White Chicks
Marlon was great in Scary Movie and Don't be a Menace (especially the latter) but White Chicks was damn near as retarded as Little Man. Like there is
no reason to like those movies, all they did was pad out the plots of some Looney Tunes episodes in both of those
White Chicks was hilarious bruh bruh. And once you go black, you need a wheel chair
they didn't talk about it cuz its ancient news but its crazy how Marlon was gonna be Robin/dikk Grayson once upon a time.
I say that because his preferred style of acting isn't too different than Will Smith's at times in that they both go for the tough luck having, borderline clumsy comical protagonist (like GI Joe and MB3 most recently) but Will basically took off with Bad Boys and esp after ID4 to take on more and more serious/action roles (while still keepin the same character traits from his fresh prince days... but just variably toned down) while Marlon kinda just stayed forever exclusive in the comedy lane with some exceptions here and there.
Not critiquing Marlon's acting skills vs Will's but more so what may've been if Tim Burton had gone on to direct that 3rd Batman movie in 1995 with Wayans having that 2nd billing spot next to Keaton. Maybe it would've been the launching pad for bigger/more diverse hollywood roles opening up for him, same way ID4 was for Will... who almost didn't land that role because the producers wanted a cac to star in the film but the director insisted and fought for Will.
of course the wayans are eating well doin their own thing, so they were going to be/remain successful either way. i do feel if both smith and wayans were cacs, hollywood would've been tried to push wayan as the next "smith" from jump.
Your idea is flawed in my opinion. First off, Batman Michael Keaton turned to shyt during those last two movies. With Marlon being Robin, there still would of been a comedy element as most of those early batman movies had that going for it
Well, room for it at least (unlike the current batman saga which didn't)
And how did those batman movies turn out? Did it boost anybodies careers?
Now the thing about comedic actors taking serious roles. I took theater arts for 7yrs. One thing I learned is people who don't act always find it amazing when a funny guy takes on a serious role. They think to themselves "wow.. they always played the funny guy, he couldn't handle a serious role"
But any real actor can do any role. YOU GUYS just think they can't cuz thats all you seen. So when you see it? ONce again

It becomes a more powerful performance. I pulled it off in High School when I was I think a slave or something? Serious role where it was me and this chick and it was some kind of emotional goodbye or some shyt
After the scene was over, I got a standing ovation.. nikkaz was coming up to me days after the performance talking about how wonderful I was
I didn't even study like that.. remembered the lines the day before
Even forgot one line... none of that mattered. It was just the fact a clownish type guy (me) did what others thought I could not.
Ditto with Marlon and any other comedian who took up acting