Toe Jay Simpson
After I graduate I'll definitely move to one of those European tax havens that people have never heard about. Things in America has to get really before they change. Actually, I think Americans are too stupid to riot or defend their rights. You all will take the abuse and shut up (like with the NYPD "Stop & Frisk" policy).
At the end of the day more responsibility should fall on the masses. We choose to follow the trends and whims of the rich and powerful. Look at some of the trends and ideas that filter their way into regular people's lives, it's like a satire is being filmed in real time starring real people.
When things go south in this country, all we do is let repressed resentments and bigotry come out. The economic downturn has really just been a way for people to bring back full overt racism. Nobody has actually learned anything from it but how to be more visibly hostile again.