with HS, you get into work laws, minors being in workplaces with adults - especially when thinking about f500 and corporate roles, entertainment and athletics, etc. I know there are schools that have, or had, programs for HS kids, but I guess I don’t see how placing it in high school where kids are even less mature than college and where I think they should be focused on extracurriculars that make them more well rounded people helps. Having to go to an internship when there’s sports, theater, art, volunteering/tutoring, dance, part time jobs, etc to take place in doesn’t seem like a great trade off, expecting people to be grown even younger than we do now, which I think is already too young, I’m cool
most wealthy kids in America do that after college. They go straight into college knowing what they want to do because of the level of exposure they have to multiple professions in their families and their families’ networks.
most kids who really need to work to support family aren’t going to college, so I don’t see this as the same group. Furthermore internships and fellowships can/are often paid, they wouldn’t be making any less than they would at the dead-end jobs available for HS grads who have no trades.
Lastly, these can easily be structured by more companies offering pre-college internships. How one pays for it is either by living at home - if you live within 50 mikes of a major metro center this is doable - or living with other interns/getting roommates if you need to move. Again, outside of thing like entertainment, internships are paid.