You are simple. My point with credit was most black people are involved in predatory lending. A lot of the home foreclosures were with people who aren't financially literate. Whether that makes them childish or ignorant, the fact remains they were preyed upon for their lack of education. There are plenty of uneducated black people in finances, basic education and the list goes on. shyt it's in my family and I don't think I am above them because I understand the historical fallout from slavery. Catch up nikka. To act like every black person that is in the hood and poor can handle these things is stupid. It just shows your lack of insight and ability to see above the next step. Its chess not checkers. You sound like a connect four ass nikka.You fools are confusing. When folks aren't out there, no one cares about you, when folks do go out there, they're apparently doing it to get their name out there.
My nikka, we all know who runs red cross, salvation army and homeless shelters and I can tell you the majority of them are white workers, the majority of volunteers in africa are white, not black, so wtf do you mean where are they during clothes drives, are you fukking serious? google homeless clothes drive in your city and see who the majority of the workers are. You must not be from the hood. As for helping people financially, look how you sound "where are allies to help us understand how to pay our credit card bills"are you a child you need your hand helped to find a financial adviser at a nearest bank, something that any person with common sense knows how to find? You need someone of another race to teach you how to pay your bills?
Pls don't say that out loud again, you're embarrassing my race.
And yes I came from the hood. As if that matters

Come on dude, you are simplifying shyt greatly. There are SOME white people who do care but they are truly few and far in between because things would have BEEN changed if they were really bout that life.
You acting As if white people haven't created these avenues to build themselves up. You don't have many of these black people in the hood going to Africa to help poorer Africans because they can't afford it. And better yet they don't have the connections to meet the right people to get them there. You sitting here acting like the Red Cross and all these organizations were truly set up to help poor black people (Does Haiti ring a bell?). They are in the hood just like Chinese food spots. They employ white people in important positions and throw scraps to the few black people that can work in menial labor. Stop fronting. Start thinking. Ya'll acting like it takes a "militant" mind to see the affects of white supremacy and the system they set up. I've lived it and seen how it affected my family in the hood. Bruh.