Stop with the "oh we cant be bias like people do us" BS. That would be dandy if it went both ways. We get it, you love asian women. But despite there being numerous asian businesses in black neighborhoods none of them are putting money into the community, supporting us financially, and doing shyt like this.
are we babies? do they need people to put money into our community? supporting us financially? what???? we aren't little retarded children, we dont need anyones help. we put money into peoples business because of our LACK of business. In LA we have LOADS of east african business, a little ethiopia, heck most of the restaurants in inglewood are black, thus, we put back into our community and the asians, mexicans and white folks who so happen to live there put money into the businesses. youve heard of roscoes chicken and waffles right? thats one, or gumbo shack, or the many ethiopian mechanics, you saying some shyt like they dont put money into our community is like youre asking for hand outs. If you want them to buy your shyt, have shyt for them to buy.
I actually dont love asian women, I love all women, I just play a paag loving troll because folks were seeing me with my girl and making absurd comments like they do
@Mowgli for having a chinese wife. Its what yall do. You see a woman with a white man, shes a bedwench, but that might have just been someone she was into, you have no idea if that was her first white man. mowgli actually never dated an asian prior to his wife. folks made the assumption about me and I thought it was funny so I rolled with it for my own entertainment. you can look up my name in the "why we love black women thread', the "LATINA thread" heck even the pawg thread and I don't even like white chicks like that.

but I aint gay if I see a fly white chick like a young monica bellucci you best believe Imma
Now I see you trying to talk someone down from not patronizing asian businesses and instead "counter protesting" their protest because "we dont know how those poor asian women feel about the verdict". That's like saying we should just continue to protest white people who wrong us and not take financial action against the majority until they actually decide to fix the system instead of participating in BS marches.
Not a good analogy at all. White people are the system and the system is coincidentally white. totally different. Its best to use minorities. Do you have beef with mexicans? you might not, I dont know where you live but someone from socal will most likely...yet just up north in norcal, they have much much closer ties and alliances, even in prison. If you go on a boycott on all mexicans, you'd be targeting mexicans in chicago, norcal, texas, when they did nothing. Its like saying lets all boycott black folks because a crip shot a little white girl. wtf. how about going after the crips?
Not to mention you posting up some march photos in them with other races in them trying to make some claim like we really are loved and we don't care about other people or some shyt. As if that means we really do have allies.
see this is the problem. you think everything is black and white, and thats EXTREMELY lazy, its what racist whites do. I showed those pictures (actually I got it from another user) and its to show that some people love and some people hate. humans are far far more complex than 'they all hate us' thats a very naive and ignorant to look at the world. Do jews think germans hate them? all white people? of course not, they know some don't mind jews and some HATE jews with the PASSION. they'll do business with EVERYONE even arab muslims, thats what you call being wise with business and money and they are the masters of that.