Can't see these people as racist:
1. Bret Hart
2. Mick Foley
3. Daniel Bryan
4. Disco, because I think hes legitimately stupid.
5. Owen probably.
6. Sting seems cool
7. Sami
Thats about it.
I'm gonna go on a limb and say I think Cornette is an honest man and he said the N word for heat. I think he's that much of a carny; he perjured himself to keep kayfabe
@Buzzed Lightyear at 2 minutes he calls em la cucarachas and at 6:00 he calls him a mexican jumping bean. Lawler aint shyt. cant even hate on the broken english line, that was a hot ass bar lmao.
1. Bret Hart
2. Mick Foley
3. Daniel Bryan
4. Disco, because I think hes legitimately stupid.
5. Owen probably.
6. Sting seems cool

7. Sami
Thats about it.
I'm gonna go on a limb and say I think Cornette is an honest man and he said the N word for heat. I think he's that much of a carny; he perjured himself to keep kayfabe

@Buzzed Lightyear at 2 minutes he calls em la cucarachas and at 6:00 he calls him a mexican jumping bean. Lawler aint shyt. cant even hate on the broken english line, that was a hot ass bar lmao.