A comprehensive list of racists in wrestling

Homey the clown

Homey don't play that
Oct 26, 2015
Low Quality Posting
I posted proof I'm black and no one responded. Typical, people are silent when they know they're wrong. Just because think something is true doesn't make it a fact. You assvlowns cant prove the majority of the wrestlers you mentioned are racist you're just making assumptions and my Dad always when you assume you make an ass out of yourself. You know what I'm done debating because you nikkas are like Nas said you deal with emotions like bytches. I have my option and y'all have yours and I think its ridiculous someone cant have an option that's different then others, without be called a Cac or a c00n. Instead of having s civilized debate people want to neg you. I think Thecoli should have a section where users can debate their differing opions.


Member of Snitch Syndication
Jan 18, 2016
I posted proof I'm black and no one responded. Typical, people are silent when they know they're wrong. Just because think something is true doesn't make it a fact. You assvlowns cant prove the majority of the wrestlers you mentioned are racist you're just making assumptions and my Dad always when you assume you make an ass out of yourself. You know what I'm done debating because you nikkas are like Nas said you deal with emotions like bytches. I have my option and y'all have yours and I think its ridiculous someone cant have an option that's different then others, without be called a Cac or a c00n. Instead of having s civilized debate people want to neg you. I think Thecoli should have a section where users can debate their differing opions.
Bruh you're still going on about this knowing that you're on the internet and you're taken this deep about being called white, when this is a topic about a list of wrestlers who are racist. Also



Pachuca Sunrise.
Oct 16, 2015
A Villa Straylight.
In my whole life, I could count the number of black wrestlers that I found interesting and looked forward to actually seeing on one hand

I dont think you can call the white audience or someone like Russo racist for giving preference to white wrestlers.

I do too and Im as black as they come.

i really find it hilarious when my fellow black fans think that black wrestlers are held back when 99% of them are trash and straight boring.
High quality c00ning.

The axe murderer

For I am death and I ride on a pale horse
Aug 27, 2015
There's no proof that AJ Styles and Randy Orton and a few other wrestlers mentioned are racist just speculation. I know AJ supposedly said the N word joking around on a podcast but he said nikka not the other word and there was not a black person in the room when he said it. So I dont believe he's racist and besides I know quite a few black people who use the word cracker when referring to whites but I dont think all of them are racist. And Aj seems to be friends with members of The New day. As far as Randy Orton goes, just because you dont agree with his political views doesnt make him a racist. And just because someone is a Republican or conservative doesn't make them racist. That's like someone saying if your black and you post on Thecoli you're racist. That's the problem with society people like to put people in boxes. Unless there's proof these guys are racist, I am still going to be fans. And why do you guys care if these guys are racist or not? Half of the posters on Thecoli are racist themselves so it's like the kettle calling the pot black. People on this website use terms such as Cac which means cracker ass cracker, Mexicac, half breed, sandcac and post similes making fun of other racial groups so a lot of you guys should not talk about anyone being racist. And yes I know I will be negged because God forbid somebody have a different opinion then others on this forum. I'm tired of all the racial talk on TSC, this place is becoming as bad as The locker room.
WWE Star Randy Orton Uses N-Word During Twitch Stream | WrestleTalk
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Flex Luger

Job Is Finished
Jan 23, 2017
I posted proof I'm black and no one responded. Typical, people are silent when they know they're wrong. Just because think something is true doesn't make it a fact. You assvlowns cant prove the majority of the wrestlers you mentioned are racist you're just making assumptions and my Dad always when you assume you make an ass out of yourself. You know what I'm done debating because you nikkas are like Nas said you deal with emotions like bytches. I have my option and y'all have yours and I think its ridiculous someone cant have an option that's different then others, without be called a Cac or a c00n. Instead of having s civilized debate people want to neg you. I think Thecoli should have a section where users can debate their differing opions.

Reciting a Nas line don’t make you black clown

Peter Popoff

Baba Yega in black uptowns
Dec 25, 2012
If some shyt come out about Okada/Omega/Ibushi im tossing wrasslin completely into the bushes :francis:

at this point it would be easier naming who isn't racist when it comes to playfighting
I highly doubt Omega is racist in any form. He seems like a down to earth humble cat that everyone gravitates to. He gives me a bit of Daniel Bryan vibes.