Eastside Get The Money
Can’t stand a fake ass 

Tattoos and his voice
Because female rate of sucsessful orgasm from intercourse is correlated to the male partner's physical atttactiveness. Where as vice a versa it's obviously not
following random women who care about asap rocky's sextape doesn't indicate how much p*ssy a person is getting...guess you must be following a bunch of dudes get some p*ssy bro it'll change ya life
Exposing yourself to disease should never be apart of the plan.R.A.W.
as they should
nikkas on his level should be teamraw
the bible says to not spill your seed
hoes pop plan b like it's nothing
casual sex is piff, it's like meeting people and shaking their hands and having a lil chit chat about nonsense but instead it's a member of the opposite sex and you see em nekkid
Turns out ASAP Rocky really does have 'fukkin prollems'
Thats cac propagandaThe subjectivity if "physical attractiveness" is what's throwing me, though. Women are hardwired to believe that the more symmetrical his face is, the more likely he is to satisfy them sexually? That's damn near cruel.
I also wonder what the correlation chart would look like for women as it pertains to their orgasming, a partner's handsome face, and his activity/performance/effort.
yes and you have grown men (probably cacs since they are obsessed with black male penis) in here talkin about another dudes sex game coli full of more fakkits than we thinkWhat is the problem? More penis policing....
I wish I trademarked that quote.I remember a poster on here saying something like "They call it twitter for a reason, nothing but birds chirping"