So mental illness is described as calling something that is altered, changed, created to push public policy? I want you to take time on reading this book by this guy who was one of the fathers of U.S. Public Relations. You can say he had a mental illness too.
He wrote in his book Propaganda in 1928.
"In the ethical sense, propaganda bears the same relation to education as to business or politics. It may be abused. It may be used to over-advertise an institution and to create in the public mind artificial values. There can be no absolute guarantee against its misuse"
"Propaganda becomes vicious and reprehensive only when its authors consciously and deliberately disseminate what they know to be lies, or when they aim at effects which they know to be prejudicial to the common good."
But being dependent, every day of the year and for year after year, upon certain politicians for news, the newspaper reporters are obliged to work in harmony with their news sources.”
Another guy named Walter Lippman founder of the CFR wrote in 1922
“But what is propaganda, if not the effort to alter the picture to which men respond, to substitute one social pattern for another?”
“Chief Factors Limiting Access to Facts:
1)Artificial censorship
2)Limitations of social contact
3)Comparatively meager time in a day for paying attention to public affairs.
4)Distortion arising because events have to be compressed into very short messages
5)Difficulty of making a small vocabulary express a complicated world
6)Fear of facing those facts which would seem to threaten the established routine of men's lives”