Knicks: 93 til infinity
you haven't noticed that this thread keeps being reposted across the web in order to re-frame the discussion
all you hear now is
"I was gun trained as a fetus and I turned out fine"
"Manufacturers need to make lighter guns"
"Recoiling is evil"
"That instructor just chose the wrong gun"
or my favorite
"that instructor should have turned off the automatic function"
nothing mentioned about teaching a child whose brain is barely formed, whose frontal lobe, and hence executive cognition, is barely formed, how to use a deadly weapon; in the face of all the issues we have with people with fully formed brains using guns.
At a deeper level, it is an unconscious degradation of the act of killing to a mindless activity, (literally) one devoid of any moral weight or responsibility; could that be any clearer? who else in our society is more excused of any moral responsibility than children. This is so offensive. But I have learned, after Sandy Hook, that you can't argue with gun manufacturers and their shills, All you can do is laugh at them while waiting for their behavior or the body count to become so odious that the country decides it has had enough (or for the gun manufacturers to feel rich enough). Just be glad it wasn't you or your kin at the gun range who got shot, could you imagine if she fell back and shot some other uninvolved participant at the shooting range? the fukkery that would have ensued....
Bone really isnt for everyone . I guess Wu isnt either....but they have albums that everyone would consider classic. Bone always sounded like some damn chickens clucking over beats to me.
Great post. It's basically that the US is so far gone with regards to guns that the question is "How can a kid ( a KID!!!) safely shoot a gun", instead of even questionning the very sanity of having a kid (A GODDAMN KID) shoot a gun in the first place.
And you're right, you got brehs in this very thread talking about technicalities and shyt and totally overlooking that 9 year-olds should be nowhere near guns n the first place.