97-99 sting was bigger then the undertaker


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
The whole "He's only hot when he's a silent non-wrestling ghost" is BS.

Its not b.s...he literally did not wrestle one match, and did not say one syllable for well over a year, which was coincidentally his peak in popularity in 20 plus years. The whole character was fool's gold. At least undertaker was failing and succeeding based on performance, and actually having matches and interviews to build towards.

How can you credit sting for anything? He wasnt doing a thing, lol.


sohh coli since 2001
May 30, 2012
Its not b.s...he literally did not wrestle one match, and did not say one syllable for well over a year, which was coincidentally his peak in popularity in 20 plus years. The whole character was fool's gold. At least undertaker was failing and succeeding based on performance, and actually having matches and interviews to build towards.

How can you credit sting for anything? He wasnt doing a thing, lol.

Yeah it is. If he wasn't good before and after that, the fans wouldn't of been so hot for it. So it's a stupid point.


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
Yeah it is. If he wasn't good before and after that, the fans wouldn't of been so hot for it. So it's a stupid point.

yeah, well saying he wasnt any good before was never a claim I made. My claim is that interest in him was artificially inflated because fans were dying to see him wrestle or talk, e.g, he wasnt over for anything he was doing during that time period as a performer, but I see sting fans are gunna act illogical over this so whatever.


Nov 27, 2012
yeah, well saying he wasnt any good before that was never a claim I made. My claim is that interest in him was artificially inflated because fans were dying to see him wrestle or talk, e.g, he wasnt over for anything he was doing during that time period as a performer, but I see sting fans are gunna act illogical over this so whatever.



*Points bat at Hogan*


Steve Borden at his best, but I enjoyed it :heh: :lawd:


All Star
May 13, 2012
41st was the worsest turf on the earth...
yeah, well saying he wasnt any good before was never a claim I made. My claim is that interest in him was artificially inflated because fans were dying to see him wrestle or talk, e.g, he wasnt over for anything he was doing during that time period as a performer, but I see sting fans are gunna act illogical over this so whatever.

The angle was able to go over so well and for so long BECAUSE of who he was and what he represented to the WCW in-ring and out before he became the crow. It's not like any wrestler could have just walked in the door and pulled off not talking or wrestling for a year and stay beyond over the whole time.


May 19, 2012

Late 80s-early 90s Sting was one of the most popular stars in the biz

Nearly Hogan level with kids


All it said was he was good enough to make the fans want to see him that much

I feel dat comment. shyt Sting always been one of my favorites no matter if he couldnt supposedly "draw" or what not. He has always been one of the more popular wrestlers since the late 80's to me.


Jawless arrow-magnet
Mar 29, 2013
Taker stayed getting shytty booking in the early to mid 90's. He was always the dude wrestling freak shows and giants etc, while it helped cement his badassness his body paid the toll for trying to pull passable matches out of khali's, Gonzales, Bundy, etc. I was happy as hell when he finally started wrestling Bret, HBK, Austin etc on tv. it showed he's got actual in ring skill, sadly his character over shadows the fact that Mark Calaway is a damn good in ring wrestler not just for a "big man"


Absolutely. As much as the Deadman gimmick gave him success in the early years it was also detrimental to him as a performer because he was supposed to be a lumbering half dead ghoul and thus could never show much in terms of move variation aprt from choking people in corners for ten minutes. It did not help he kept getting stuck feuding with obese slugs who could barely move. Once they started to downplay the cartoon crap and let him work with better opponents he really began to step up in the ring and make the character his own.


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
The angle was able to go over so well and for so long BECAUSE of who he was and what he represented to the WCW in-ring and out before he became the crow. It's not like any wrestler could have just walked in the door and pulled off not talking or wrestling for a year and stay beyond over the whole time.


Okay, how about this hypothetical....say undertaker jumps to wcw in 96 and takes over the exact same role sting did...Are you going to say with a straight face that Taker wouldnt have been just as over as Sting was, and that there wouldnt have been just as much interest in a Taker/Hogan match? If anything the interest woulda been greater.

Drizzy Dre

All Star
May 20, 2012
Sting's build was absolutely amazing at the time. Watching a whole Nitro, hoping for a 15 second Sting sighting.

I remember being pissed when Nitro went 3 hours and having to wait until the overrun for a Sting appearance.

Hogan definitely sabotaged his run, starting with that Nick Patrick BS at Starcade.


Apr 30, 2012
Jacksonville, FL

Okay, how about this hypothetical....say undertaker jumps to wcw in 96 and takes over the exact same role sting did...Are you going to say with a straight face that Taker wouldnt have been just as over as Sting was, and that there wouldnt have been just as much interest in a Taker/Hogan match? If anything the interest woulda been greater.

i think wlda failed if he tried & pulled that dead man gimmick shyt in WCW. Wcw was and always more wrestling than gimmick when u went up to upper card. He wlda been better leading da wack azz dungeon of doom :russ:


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
i think wlda failed if he tried & pulled that dead man gimmick shyt in WCW. Wcw was and always more wrestling than gimmick when u went up to upper card. He wlda been better leading da wack azz dungeon of doom :russ:

good point...hall, nash, goldberg, and hogan all got over in wcw because of their great wrestling. :beli:


All Star
May 6, 2012
Its not b.s...he literally did not wrestle one match, and did not say one syllable for well over a year, which was coincidentally his peak in popularity in 20 plus years. The whole character was fool's gold. At least undertaker was failing and succeeding based on performance, and actually having matches and interviews to build towards.

How can you credit sting for anything? He wasn't doing a thing, lol.
yeah, well saying he wasnt any good before was never a claim I made. My claim is that interest in him was artificially inflated because fans were dying to see him wrestle or talk, e.g, he wasnt over for anything he was doing during that time period as a performer, but I see sting fans are gunna act illogical over this so whatever.

Okay, how about this hypothetical....say undertaker jumps to wcw in 96 and takes over the exact same role sting did...Are you going to say with a straight face that Taker wouldnt have been just as over as Sting was, and that there wouldnt have been just as much interest in a Taker/Hogan match? If anything the interest woulda been greater.

I haven't watched any kind of wrestling in over a decade and don't usually post here but you're really missing the point.

What Sting did during the early NWO saga is arguably the most fascinating narratives in wrestling period and nobody else was in a position to or had the quiet charisma necessary to pull it off.

It only worked because in the years preceding the NWO's emergence Sting was WCW's favourite son, If I remember right he was actually referred to as "The Franchise". He was at the height of his early popularity before Hogan turned heel. The transformation to "dark Sting" worked because it represented what the fans felt about the Outsiders and Hogan at the time and Sting decided to embody that.

He wasn't a heel or a face he was basically a deus ex machina. People forget the significance of him coming down to the ring through the fans and dropping down from the rafters. He made himself a representation of their will.

That's why he could walk into the ring and solo the entire NWO, that's why Hogan and Bischoff had to act shook whenever he was around; because they're all at the mercy of the fans and they wanted to see their scorned favourite son set things right.

It doesn't matter that it didn't happen within actual matches because between the fake stings, false masks, dropping down from the rafters, the silence, the baseball bats, the saves, the loyalty tests etc... shyt was exciting and isn't that ultimately the point?

Realistically Sting could have made the Jump to the E (There were many offers) and found a way to work the gimmick into something equally successful there but he saw how former stars like Booker T were getting clowned and had to start from scratch and didn't trust that the same wouldn't happen to him.

The fact that he's now slumming it in TNA and Taker was able to further cement his legend has everything to do with the end of WCW and dominance of WWE. There is no conceivable way in which Taker could have jumped to WCW and performed the same role or built up the same kind of rivalry with Hogan.
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✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
I haven't watched any kind of wrestling in over a decade and don't usually post here but you're really missing the point.

What Sting did during the early NWO saga is arguably the most fascinating narratives in wrestling period and nobody else was in a position to or had the quiet charisma necessary to pull it off.

It only worked because in the years preceding the NWO's emergence Sting was WCW's favourite son, If I remember right he was actually referred to as "The Franchise". He was at the height of his early popularity before Hogan turned heel. The transformation to "dark Sting" worked because it represented what the fans felt about the Outsiders and Hogan at the time and Sting decided to embody that.

He wasn't a heel or a face he was basically a deus ex machina. People forget the significance of him coming down to the ring through the fans and dropping down from the rafters. He made himself a representation of their will.

That's why he could walk into the ring and solo the entire NWO, that's why Hogan and Bischoff had to act shook whenever he was around; because they're all at the mercy of the fans and they wanted to see their scorned favourite son set things right.

It doesn't matter that it didn't happen within actual matches because between the fake stings, false masks, dropping down from the rafters, the silence, the baseball bats, the saves, the loyalty tests etc... shyt was exciting and isn't that ultimately the point?

Realistically Sting could have made the Jump to the E (There were many offers) and found a way to work the gimmick into something equally successful there but he saw how former stars like Booker T were getting clowned and had to start from scratch and didn't trust that the same wouldn't happen to him.
who in the blue hell are you? - YouTube

The fact that he's now slumming it in TNA and Taker was able to further cement his legend has everything to do with the end of WCW and dominance of WWE. There is no conceivable way in which Taker could have jumped to WCW and performed the same role or built up the same kind of rivalry with Hogan.

I never disputed the angle's or stings popularity --- but I think you're taking a lil poetic license with the history of it all.

The sun was hall/nash/hogan, and Sting was orbiting around them. The NWO was the hottest thing that wrestling had ever seen, and fans were dying to see someone challenge their dominance. I mean, remember how hot Luger became as a babyface when he was going against the NWO, and he didnt get the unprecedented advantages Sting received. To act like nobody else could have duplicated the success of sting crow is just crazy.

You guys can make all the excuses you want about hogan sabotaging him at starrcade 97, but his remarkable dip in popularity from crow sting to active performer in '98 had more to do w/ the fact that once he started talking and wrestling again, everyone remembered how lame he was, and began responding to him like every other upper midcarder. They treated Sting just like he was before Crow Sting.

So in a sense you are right --- but the credit of crow sting should go to the writers, and the performance of the angle. Not Sting. He didnt do sht, and yes Taker in that role would have been bigger. That character, an emotionless stalker, would have been tailor made for him.


All Star
May 6, 2012
I never disputed the angle's or stings popularity --- but I think you're taking a lil poetic license with the history of it all.

The sun was hall/nash/hogan, and Sting was orbiting around them. The NWO was the hottest thing that wrestling had ever seen, and fans were dying to see someone challenge their dominance. I mean, remember how hot Luger became as a babyface when he was going against the NWO, and he didnt get the unprecedented advantages Sting received. To act like nobody else could have duplicated the success of sting crow is just crazy.

You guys can make all the excuses you want about hogan sabotaging him at starrcade 97, but his remarkable dip in popularity from crow sting to active performer in '98 had more to do w/ the fact that once he started talking and wrestling again, everyone remembered how lame he was, and began responding to him like every other upper midcarder. They treated Sting just like he was before Crow Sting.

So in a sense you are right --- but the credit of crow sting should go to the writers, and the performance of the angle. Not Sting. He didnt do sht, and yes Taker in that role would have been bigger. That character, an emotionless stalker, would have been tailor made for him.

I'm simply calling it as I saw it.

Undertaker simply would not have worked. This much should be obvious. The idea was that Nash and Hall came in as "Outsiders" and "Poisoned" (they were constantly called that by pundits) the WCW with their influence. Wrestling fans on the whole aren't the brightest bunch but there is an underlying sense of brand loyalty that held that particular plotline together and it wouldn't have worked to have yet another "outsider" be seen to come in and right the wrongs, the fans would never go for it. You're forgetting how tribal minded wrestling fans were with franchises. It had to be somebody that WCW fans already identified with and Savage was too much of a maverick to be that guy, Luger had no angle to hitch onto such a role. Only Sting could have played the role and made it as successful as he did.

I made no such argument about Starrcade, but w/e. Fans never received him as lame, that's some major revisionism on your part there. In reality the NWO had run its course (hence the split) and you say they treated Sting the way he was before Crow like it's a bad thing. That still puts him in the top four most popular wrestlers in WCW. If anything the real problem was that his character was limited by the fact that following the NWO feud the crowd would cheer him no matter what he did.

You're really not making sense here. You say writers and the performance deserve credit but somehow in all of that you can't see how Sting does? Because in that case credit for anybodies popularity at any given time should go to the writers which is bs. Execution of the material by the wrestler matters more.

El Cocodrilo

Nov 19, 2012
In the history books, Taker will be more important... I really do think Sting's legacy would have benefitted from a WWE run. At least for the earlier part of this century when all the GOAT's were running thru the E.
Sting could have worked matches with HBK, HHH, Face Hogan, Brock Lesnar, Kurt Angle in his prime, Eddie Guerrero and of course The Undertaker among others. It's quite a fukk up on his part imo.

But yeah back in the late 90's Sting was hotter, Undertaker was definitely almost at that level as the head of the ministry but he wasn't as over as Sting at that point.