Sting in 97 may have been the biggest thing in wrestling period. But does it say something about him that he was at his best when he was silent for a year.
Sting in 97 may have been the biggest thing in wrestling period. But does it say something about him that he was at his best when he was silent for a year.
...and not wrestling either. So while the op statement may be true, it comes with a huge asterisk, and I would only say he was bigger from 97-mid 98. Once sting started talking and wrestling again, he fell back to the middle of the pack in terms of popularity and status.
He fell nack cuz Hogan screwed em
undertaker isnt (and never was) that big, as wwe trying to show him. most of his streak consist of upper-carders and main-event-jobbers.
he's became huge star the same reason edge is HoFer. arrives@push@leave. no matter if it was a good or a bad guy, if main evener leaves people are starting to cheer for his return at some point.
Undertaker never really had any good, memorable feuds or matches before Mankind in '96, did he? Not his fault though.
definitely sting was the coolest guy in wcw back then but the fact is no one cared about him on that level before he went into crow mode and nobody def gave a damn about him after that.
Sting in 97 may have been the biggest thing in wrestling period. But does it say something about him that he was at his best when he was silent for a year.