I don't ignore the rest of Africa and I salute those black Africans in Egypt who built one of the world's greatest civilization.
Besides, why y'all care if black people wanna big up Egypt? Nobody is stopping your from celebrating the kingdoms of Mali, Songhai, Benin, Ghana, Zulu, or Kush.
It's all African history so it all belongs to our people.
African Americans' genetic stock is made up of a bundle of predominately Ivory Coast negroid, minor West European, and negligible Australoid/Mongoloid admixture.
The ancient Egyptians are more closer genetic wise with the present day Maghrebis in North Africa than they are with West Africans.
Needless to say, it's a bit strange that many AAs claim culture from a land that was mostly built from Moorish/Berber peoples rather than West Africans.
Modern Egyptians (and other North African ethnicities) have a predominately Caucasoid admixture and minor Negroid influence.