I will take what is mine
You'll never change an istans mind no matter what. I mean apple treats them like idiots and they still don't care.
"You're holding it wrong"
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this logic makes no sense...first there are more iphone 5s sold then s3s, second of all going on twitter or facebook 90% of time on your phone hardly makes it NOT a status symbol
with that said, most smartphones ARE being bought as status symbols anyway, its not just apple or anything
its not about having one in the first place, Im talking about upgrading to a new one...Everyone I know from age 13 up has some sort of smart phone, how is it a status symbol?
when i had an Iphone i used the tom tom app that i paid for with traffic
google navigation is pretty decent on android but it doesn't give me the fastest best route all the time but its free vs tom tom costing me about 50 dollars at the time
i notice android users tend to have an inferiority complex always swiping at the iphone. I like android and i'm find with the galaxy s3 but both phones and operating systems have their pros and cons
everyone bigs up the bigger screen on that galaxy s3 but its uncomfortable using the browser on their with one hand as opposed to the 4s that was quite easy using with one hand.
but for the most part they both give me the same function just clicking things in a slightly different way to get to them
everyone in the phone wars needs to calm down
And 90% buy it as a symbol of status and not as a smartphone.
Android is leaps and bounds better than iOS
I think it has for quite a while right? Far back as 2009 if I am not mistaken.Breh, this is nowhere near true. Did you know iOS runs core audio?
im not sure how long...i know i keep saying this over and over but you cant record legit music on android. i can lay and mix a whole album, design the cover art, and shoot and edit the video for the single - all on my iphone
Androids stans on the net are such pathetic basement dwellers
They come off as delusional and socially retarded. Its best to avoid them as they are so far detached from reality due to their heads being up each others asses. They refuse to find faults with their garbage OS, on top of that 98% of Androids devices cant even get the latest update.