Haha i read that years ago on that site. I love that site it's chock full of information in a blunt way.
Day 7.
Masturbation is medically defined as "sexual activity in which the penis or clitoris is stimulated, usually to orgasm, by means other than coitus. It is performed, at least occasionally, by most people and is considered to be normal and harmless. Also called, in men, onanism. Mosby's Medical Dictionary, 3rd ed., p. 728
The medical dictionary grammarians erred in two places in that above definition. First, ejaculation is NOT orgasm, but simply, just ejaculation; or, being technical for purposes of balance, ejaculation is only the physical aspect of orgasm absent the spiritual aspect of orgasm (which causes energy to shoot out from a person's Crown chakra and enter the Cosmos and return back to the person's body via the other chakras, automatically aligning or balancing the chakras). Yes, sex is a good way, the best way in my opinion, to open, balance, and/or align the chakras.
During sex (just like doing relationships), you and your mate's auras merge, which is why you hear me advocating that you and your mate (or sex partner) should be on the same conscious levels. This is what it means on a deeper level when you hear about "being yoked" and how "a man and woman coming together and the two shall become twain." Energetically (or invisibly) the two auras shall become twain (as common sense and/or reason should dictate that flesh of two people cannot become twain). They shall be yoked (bonded via chakra cords connecting together).
So if a man is on a higher conscious level and has a balanced, clean/pure, and healthy aura and the woman he's having sex with is not conscious and has an imbalanced, dirty/tainted, and unhealthy aura, then the male would be jeopardizing his health or the health of his subtle bodies (and ultimately his physical body as he could be "contracting" a STD). He could also be exposing himself to negative and/or dark entities (spirit forms) due to attached entities being attached to the woman's aura. The entities would then become attached to his aura, jeopardizing the health of his aura.
The same example above can be flip flopped and applied to a woman (being conscious and having a balanced, clean/pure, and healthy aura) having sex with an unconscious male. The above is applicable to both sexes. It doesn't matter. However, women are more susceptible to energy than males being that they are naturally receptive creatures by nature.
A person may look good (be beautiful or handsome) and appear clean physically, but energetically, it could be another story, and for a person like myself, the unseen (energy) is always what matters most or importantly.
Secondly (pertaining to showing where the grammarians erred), while masturbation may be normal, normal doesn't mean natural.
Masturbation is only a sin if you embrace it as such in accordance pursuant to YOUR personal belief system that is usually predicated upon your religious belief system. We all have a right to our own belief system, whether we make it up ourselves or borrow from someone else who made their own belief system and recorded it in a so-called religious holy book and claim that it is divinely inspired.
Many Christians consider masturbation a sin, however, we don't find masturbation in the Bible much less finding it to be a sin. Many people misconstrue Genesis 38:9 pertaining to Onan spilling his semen on the ground as a Biblical reference to masturbation. However, it is not.
Genesis 38:9 would actually pertain to what is called "coitus interruptus", and therefore, a Bible adherent (or Christian) could make an argument of "coitus interruptus" being a sin, but not masturbation.
GENESIS 38:9 reads: "And Onan knew that the seed should not be his; and it came to pass, when he went in unto his brother's wife, that he spilled it on the ground, lest that he should give seed to his brother. And the thing which he did displeased the Lord: whereforehe slew him also."
Basically, Onan was sexing his brother's wife and 'pulled out' before he squirted (ejaculated) in her. Biblical characters did all kinds of seemingly perverted things that goes untalked about by the clergy and many devout Bible adherents today. No wonder so much sexual perversity is occurring in a lot of churches (and mosques and synagogues) in the U.S. today.
Lot had sex with his own two daughters (INCEST) and got both of them pregnant, Gen. 19:30-38; Ham scoped (viewed; looked at) his own mother in the nude, Gen. 9:22; David scoped (looked at) Bathsheba bathing in the nude and lusted after her to the point he had her husband, Uriah, killed so that he could have her all to himself and fulfill his sexual lust, 2 Sam.11:1-27; Tamar played the harlot meaning she prostituted herself for material goods and even got knocked up while whoring around, Gen. 38:24; etc.).
There are many unholy things in that book called Bible that if we judge many of those acts in it by today's standards. If the Bible and all its content within it are holy (as many believe), then almost everything negative we see and complain about in American society (and abroad) today is also holy, and that includes INCEST, MURDER, WHORING, making babies out of wedlock; PILLAGING, ROBBERY, STEALING, PROSTITUTION, WAR, etc.
Returning to the gravamen or subject matter, the Bible itself does not mention or describe "masturbation", but describes "coitus interruption." There's a big difference here in activity.
Onan was slain by God due to pulling out his penis from Tamar's vagina and ejaculating outside, something millions of U.S. males do, ejaculating on a woman's face, breast, stomach, buttocks, etc.
SIDEBAR: I would have to say that the Biblical God is a very mean, heartless, and unmerciful God to slay a man for pulling out (of a vagina) and ejaculating his seed (nut) on the ground; especially since God gave man free will.
How is God going to give man choice and them kill him when he makes a choice?
Continuing, we can only assume or deduce that spilling one's semen outside of a vagina is a sin predicated upon Onan doing it and the act being displeasing to God. The Bible does not come outright and state that spilling one's semen outside of a vagina is a sin! We can only speculate predicated upon deducing.
Masturbation is harmful and detrimental only to males (who do it excessively and/or chronically) and not females (even those who do it excessively and/or chronically) as males lose precious nutrients (i.e. zinc), nectar (anti-aging substance), chi or vital life force, and a form of butter (that naturally secretes from the foreskin flesh of uncircumcised males only).
Women/females are storehouses of energy (chi) and take energy in constantly, being passive by nature; but males, being active by nature, release or lose energy and so energy (as well as nutrients) must be constantly replenished after each and every ejaculate.
Masturbation can be healthy for the smart male who masturbates sparingly and sporadically. The wise male absolutely avoids masturbation.
Masturbation can help males to release pent up tension and stress as well as excess energy stored in the body at the Root Chakra. If the Base Chakra energy cannot be brought up to the pineal gland (3rd Eye) for spiritual reasons, i.e. activation of the Third Eye or Christ Consciousness, due to the male lacking spiritual-ness and/or knowledge, then it may be a good idea at times to release it during masturbation; however, releasing it (semen) inside a vagina is the ideal (if a consenting female is available).
Now of course a male would be releasing negative energy (i.e. stress, tension, etc.) into the female if he engages in sex while stressed or tensed; but if he is smart and knowledgeable (especially about energy) and considerate, caring, and responsible, he would know he has a duty to convert or transmute any negative energy (from his personal tension/stress) within his sperm into positive and useful energy so as to infuse the woman with exclusively good energy. This is a form of sexual alchemy.
A wise and conscious woman could even do this herself. However, sexual alchemy is a science most people in the U.S. and Western world lack, so many times males are ejaculating constant negativity, tension, stress, etc. into the poor female and bombard her womb with toxic energy that eventually manifest as physical sexual reproductive diseases.
Excess masturbation depletes the male body of precious nutrients and life force. Semen is made from brain and spinal fluid. Excess loss of zinc causes the Body Intelligence to steal zinc from the brain and send it down to the prostate area which is why Western males have very high incidences of prostate complaints from prostatitis to prostate cancer.
So it is true that excess sexual intercourse can impair cognitive ability and impair brain health. It's no accident we put the word "fukking" before terms denoting negative mental ability, i.e. "fukking idiot!" "fukking moron" "fukking dummy!"
Every act of sexual intercourse will produce what is called in the occult world, a "magickal childe", a term made popular in occult circles by one Aleister Crowley, an accomplished sexual magician and occultist.
Basically, a "magickal childe" denotes "an effect on the astral plane of existence." In esoteric theory, any act on the Earth plane creates a reaction on the astral plane and ultimately (when you crossover or transition to the Other side) you meet all of your reactions (creations). So every time you are having sex (with another person or with your self via masturbation), you are conceiving a child, a "magickal childe."
The same potential of sperm on the physical Earth plane is relevant on the astral plane. Author Mantak Chia in his classic "Taoist Secrets of Love" states that: "A single ejaculation has 200 to 500 million sperm cells, each a potential human being. There are enough spermatozoa lost in a single orgasm to populate the entire United States if each cell was to fertilize an egg."
Every ejaculate (even from masturbation) creates a "magickal childe." According to esoteric and occult circles, you will meet all of your Earthly creations on different realms after you cross over or transition.
A scary thing to note is that many unconscious males are masturbating while thinking about or fantasizing about women. What these males don't know is that they are in fact having sex with these women on different planes and realms of existence. While the woman being fantasized about on the Earth plane may not know it or even respond to it (it all depends on how conscious she is), however, her various other selves that exist on other planes and realms will and do! All of us exist simultaneously on other planes and realms right now.
Many people want to get into time machines and go back in time and see and/or meet themselves when they were younger (like in the movie "Back to the Future" where young Marty goes back in time), but this is futile and would be boring considering you remember your childhood, maybe not all of it, but most of it due to living it.
Now traveling into one's future would be exciting due to the curiosity of how one's life plays out, however, because the Gatekeepers (or Guardians) of the Future do not let the overwhelming majority of humans visit the future (due to humans weakness of mind, whereby if they saw their outcome in this present life and it wasn't a good one, they'd instantly stop their motion of life or living and instantly give up on life, reasoning "what's the purpose of going on when my outcome is such and such?"). This is why very few human beings are granted access to the future, much less the Akashic Records. Yes, even the Akashic Records are guarded and have Guardians or Gatekeepers to protect people from accessing information that they may not be ready for or can handle.
All wise creatures and entities know that you do not reveal information and truth to seekers who are not ready for or who cannot handle said information and truth. Even the Biblical Jesus says in the Bible, "I have yet many things to say unto you, but you cannot bear them NOW," John 16:12. Here, Jesus is using sound discretion in order to protect his followers whose minds cannot grasp the deep spiritual wisdom Jesus has to share.
Now the truly exciting thing, in my opinion, would be to travel to different realms and planes and meet (for the first time in your conscious state here on Earth in this present life incarnation), your other selves (souls) that exist simultaneously with your 3D self.
Masturbation and its subsequent ejaculation are DANGEROUS, DELETERIOUS, and INSALUBRIOUS. It impairs the organs and glands of the body, depletes the body of vital nutrients and essences, zaps energy, dulls the mental senses and faculties; can cause varicocele and inflammation of penile skin; can cause epididymitis (inflammation of the epididymis); causes premature aging, causes prostate gland damage (due to excess zinc loss via ejaculation); can cause impotence (due to nerve damage); and can result in sperm depletion (low sperm count).
Masturbation can become very addictive and is a major preoccupation and addiction of young American boys/males and a lot of older males as well.