International Playa
Playa with a Passport
day 19
meh i got to a point where i stopped counting the days
i can surf the net without getting that itch to view going out more than ever and meeting more females than ever before...stopping porn will force you to get out of your shy shell and meet ppl..
the first 40 days are the toughest..stay strong brehs
again the issue is not jacking off..but jacking off to porn..
Day 35... i definitely see and feel the improvements
I think the main thing about this challenge is to leave virtual women alone and focus on real women. If you are completely satisfied with e-women, you'll come off as a creep. Girls can feel that/tell if you are not living in the real world.
If you leave porn/fap/edging alone long enough, you don't get the urge to do it anymore. If you keep falling back into it, try to last longer each time. You haven't made it out of the woods just yet. Good luck.
Yep, I said this earlier. Women KNOW through their spidey sence on somewhen you fap a lot. When I went through fapping periods and went out, girls were not responding to me well. When I stopped doing it, its like I had an extra spring in my step with a Caveman-like swag.
The thing is that when you stop watching porn and fapping, slightly above average chics look
Yep, I said this earlier. Women KNOW through their spidey sence on somewhen you fap a lot. When I went through fapping periods and went out, girls were not responding to me well. When I stopped doing it, its like I had an extra spring in my step with a Caveman-like swag.
The thing is that when you stop watching porn and fapping, slightly above average chics look
Yep, I said this earlier. Women KNOW through their spidey sence on somewhen you fap a lot. When I went through fapping periods and went out, girls were not responding to me well. When I stopped doing it, its like I had an extra spring in my step with a Caveman-like swag.
The thing is that when you stop watching porn and fapping, slightly above average chics look