Best way to go about it is to just keep going a few rounds breh. Get with a chick that is cool with practicing so it takes the pressure off.
Control your breathing, stay in the moment so that you're not thinking outside thoughts. Meditate frequently.
If you know you're gonna bust quick and it's unavoidable, go hard instead of half assing it. Let her hear you make those lion/cave man noises and pound her out relentlessly. Then just be like the p*ssy was too good
And then go another round if possible. Framing it like that pumps her head up and gives her an ego boost that'll make her wanna go harder to please you. That way you still busted quick but you framed it right, instead of letting it shoot out like

as it dribbles out.
A trick I use, whether I busted quick or lasted a long time, is to be like...
what was it that you did this time? I never felt that before
She's like what you talking about
Then I'll tell she did something to make my balls tingle when when I came, or something indescribable so she's like

feeling like she got her gold star for the day while I'm like

It makes her wanna work harder and be nastier, so she can try to make you feel it again. That way it's more about that and less about the stamina too. So between all this you can be relaxing your mind and letting yourself get your sea legs back.
It'll take some time getting used to working fully loaded but it's mainly mental, so when you can calm down and enjoy the stronger sensations you'll be killing ass and will last longer than you ever did.