I think the Pedro Chantel storyline is fake. Lots of carribean folks send money back to their families. All the stuff with her family over the top.
Chantel and her mom tho
Chantel's titties
Nicole had no business stuffing her marshmallow ass in that kind of dress. Some women refuse to dress for their bodytypes.
I was thinking it was fake too, just off the strength of the fact that Chantel seemed to be too fine to have to resort to catching a niigga from DR on a marriage Visa. I've stalked her IG a little bit, but I've been wondering is there's some simps in her comments talmbat "if that niigga Pedro keeps slipping up I'll take care of u"
You two may be right about the Chantal stuff being fake since in reality even her name is fake and she is going by a stage name for the show to hide her real identity. A twitter user asked why her name sounded regular but the brother and sister had more hippie type names now we know why she is protecting her privacy or maybe her career.
I also agree it never made sense that in a city like Atlanta she didn't have guys trying to get with her or she was lonely. Even with the glasses on she is cute. I just assumed she was a hardcore bedwench. The funniest theory online about the couples storyline being fake is that Pedros sister is actually his wife and they are scamming everybody even the tv show.

The link below says people on this show only get paid$1000 an episode and that's the main American cast only. I can see why Anfisa is advertising products on her Instagram now if that is her real source of income.
I read about it in the article below. Mohamed is such a dog he even tried to get Anfisas number at the reunion show while Jorge was in the room.

Mohamed would have to win the lottery because Anfisa wouldn't mess with a guy who has shaky green card situation like her because she doesn't want to end up back in Russia. If she cheated it would need to be with a rich American guy.
Chantel Everett's real name is actually CeAir.
Yep, we're not sure why she decided to use a fake name for the show, but fans have noticed that her friends on the show never call her Chantel. Apparently, using a "fake name" for the show is pretty common. Other cast members who use a different name for the show are Jorge Nava (whose real name is Andrew).
Mohamed tried to get Anfisa's number at a tell-all reunion.
During Anfisa Arkhipchenko's brief split from husband Jorge, Mohamed Jbali tried to slither into Jorge's place. He asked TLC producers for Anfisa's number while they were both at a tell-all reunion for Happily Ever After. How do we know this? TLC snitched on him of course. Considering Mohamed's reputation for being a bit of a "player," we guess this is hardly surprising. However, this is definitely a one-point loss for the Mohamed fans.
The main cast is paid $1,000 per episode, but some participants get nothing.
Nikki dropped more tea about the show. She revealed that all the American participants were paid $1,000 an episode, but "friends" of the cast members were paid nothing. Also, shockingly, the foreign spouses were also paid nothing.
Season 5's Luis Mendez confirmed this. "TLC is a piece of s--t," he wrote. "They only use the immigrant people for make million dollar. They don't pay to us in the first 90 days and they destroy our lives with bad fame, but I don't received any money only the american people because we are trash to them."