after watching this fight again
while a clear fight of the year candidate and a great fight...i still rate pac vs thurman above it for the welters..but PBC making top fighters in their divisions fight goes a long way to strengthening the brand..its not a new concept lol
adding to the argument of who beat porter the best (brook, thurman, spence) from some pages back..this fight makes kell brook beating porter look 100x times the cats who have been here for awhile know my views on shawn porter and his fighting...kell brook was the only one i felt beat porter in a way where a clear level was shown and it was decisive..the only thing wrong was the idiot judge who scored that fight a draw while the 9-3,8-4 scores were more in line with how the fight played out..brook boxed porter's head off...thurman and spence went life and death with porter..hell chinny ass julio diaz who drew with porter didnt even do least the official scores in the thurman-porter fight were on the mark so no complaints..but spence didnt win a 116-111 type was a lot closer than that
8-4..yeah, my nygga. It was definitely a 116 score for Spence...he got hit alot but Spence won most exchanges despite going back and forth on the inside. Never was that more evident by the 11th round. Nuff said.