I'm sure it's been covered in this thread but man it's unreal how bad Lennox is at commentary. This dude actually said: "Let me clarify, that cut could have come from a headbutt...... or a punch"
Anyway great fight right man won.
And Goosen with the snarky reply : "you pretty much covered all the possibilities right here"

At some point, Thurman goes wild and says "I have Porter 5-0 up til now" and Lewis goes with some "You can't have a winner as they are two fighters here"

Like, I understood what he was trying to convey but that sounded so sloppy man.
I'm in a personal war with Lewis as a commentator and I feel like his amateurish takes actually ruins the content I'm watching. Roy, Tarver, Malignaggi are light years ahead of him in this. Not only in terms of accuracy in the analysis but also in delivery. Lennox permanently sounds like he's looking for his words and when he finds them, his takes sound incomplete. And you can tell Goosen is sometimes gritting his teeth at some of the stuff Lennox is saying but he's keeping stuff to himself. When the two first started, Goosen was always trying to correct him but he toned that down heavily as the tension was sometimes palpable. The chemistry is less bad now but this allows Lennox to be unchecked and that's worse. Lennox one of the greats in the ring no doubt but there is no objective reason for him to be commenting. None. And before anything, yes I'm hating