Great fight, scored it 116-111 Spence but can see a 115-112 depending on the swing rounds in the beginning.
I liked the commitment from Spence to go to the body and that actually paid from the 8th round on. It's at that point that Porter was starting to be opened to the head and when Spence started to drift away in my scorecard (before that I had it 4-3 and this was super close). Porter made the fight rugged and that was expected but I like that Spence actually agreed and went on with it. Spence do not have Thurman's movement to keep Porter off him so all in all, that made it a tense fight and I actually fist bumped when Errol scored the KD because I knew then that the fight was in the bag. Porter style is messy as hell and man missed plenty and was getting caught a lot closing in. But somehow his style make it so that it looks like Spence was hit much even when he was managing to block. The cleaner work was definitely from Spence but the aggression was from Porter. At some point, it was a proper war and I think by the 3rd, it was already on pace to be a FOTY candidate and the whole crowd was on their feet already
I think both figthers come out positively from this fight. Crawford fans will say that Spence stock decreased which I can understand from their perspective but IMO it's the opposite. Spence is more the puncher type so him beating Porter at his own game shows that he has more versatility than expected but also that he can go to war if necessary. The type of mentality that earn championships rounds when the fight is on the edge. He did get hit more than expected but it's logical when you choose to trade in the inside above all with a guy as unorthodox as Porter. Overall, he managed to match Shawn's physicality and got the better of the exchanges more often than not. His weaknesses are still the same but he gained some more strengths off that fight I think.
Porter on the other hand still proves he's top 5 at 147 and to me, he's actually the gatekeeper of the division. He lost but made it close with Thurman and Spence and managed to put a ceiling that Garcia and Ugas couldn't beat (deserved or not is another question). I think before any cross promotion unification with Crawford, there has to be a Crawford-Porter fight. This wouldn't feel right otherwise IMO. I think the only mistake his team made was willingly not defending the body shots and focusing on countuering to the head as it allowed damage to pile up and at the end, you could feel he was really bothered with Spence's body work. Also, I think Porter can beat Pacman if he makes it to the second half of the fight and if Manny makes the same strategic mistake he did against Thurman. Because if he does try to get toe to toe with Shawn, Manny won't survive the sheer physicality and endurance of Porter in the latter rounds.
I also hope Molina retires soon because if the goes up to get starched by Lopez, there's no reason to continue. That low left hand had him opened to the overhand right all night and he never adapted for some reason. Dudes needs to wrap it up.
And to finish, Lennox still is that bad at commenting, can't Thurman step up and take his place ?