9,000,000,000,000 Missing From FED RESERVE --**CNN VIDEO**


May 6, 2012
You do an amazing job of rambling on and on and saying absolutely nothing.


check it... there is an overwhelming amount of evidence that says the federal reserve, the government, and the high level banks-the three main entities who are in total control of our economic system, and who we look to to enforce economic responsibility and who also overlook economic progress-have been engaged in illegal activities and have caused, sustained, and worst of all FINANCIALLY BENEFITED FROM the current recession... and all this is just in the last few years, we wont even go into the history yet.

but youre right... this isnt important. go back to watching bloomberg tv idiot


May 6, 2012
I don't argue anything rep Grayson brings up but my question is what can be done? Say we find out the Fed gave away 9 trillion dollars illegally. What exactly are we gonna do? have people pay it back? Say we find out the fed has been illegally manipulating the stock market, will locking up a few people solve everything? :manny:. Everyone in this thread is acknowledging this information and lamenting over more people not knowing, but I'm more scared at this being the point of no return. The only option to me is to scrap the entire system and start over. Doing so would have catastrophic consequences in the short term. Doing nothing leads to catastrophic consequences. What do you do? :manny:

educate yourself. educated others. and play the game in a positive way (i.e. get money in a positive way) until the game is no more.

and learn skills that will lead to self-sufficiency... how to hunt, fish, prepare plants and herbs for consumption, find and purify water, build a shelter from nature, etc


May 25, 2012
Bronx, NYC

check it... there is an overwhelming amount of evidence that says the federal reserve, the government, and the high level banks-the three main entities who are in total control of our economic system, and who we look to to enforce economic responsibility and who also overlook economic progress-have been engaged in illegal activities and have caused, sustained, and worst of all FINANCIALLY BENEFITED FROM the current recession... and all this is just in the last few years, we wont even go into the history yet.

but youre right... this isnt important. go back to watching bloomberg tv idiot

The governments debt has gone up substantially, the big banks while larger are more susceptible/exposed to failure. So if these entities are part of some conspiracy theory to line their pockets and keep the average joe in a position of stability so that he doesn't ruffle anyone's feathers...they are doing a fukkED UP JOB to say the very least. The problem I have with you conspiracy theorist is that you attribute all problems to a narrow set of human emotions/actions specifically Greed,Power, Evil, and some grandiose idea of collusion among the elite. While I won't deny that those things are in small doses a part of our financial and political system, to be honest most things can be attributed to Arrogance (especially as it relates to the limitations of knowledge on the marketplace and in public policy), Incompetence, Shortsightedness, over-reliance on models/abstract equations in finance, and overoptimism on the continuation of economic growth on the part of politicians. But you and other conspiracy theorist won't look at the second set because it doesn't make for as a good a story inside your head, you would rather look at everything from good vs. evil paradigm instead of sitting your ass down and acknowledging the unfortunate truth that there is a great deal of grey area all throughout our important institutions.

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012

check it... there is an overwhelming amount of evidence that says the federal reserve, the government, and the high level banks-the three main entities who are in total control of our economic system, and who we look to to enforce economic responsibility and who also overlook economic progress-have been engaged in illegal activities and have caused, sustained, and worst of all FINANCIALLY BENEFITED FROM the current recession... and all this is just in the last few years, we wont even go into the history yet.

but youre right... this isnt important. go back to watching bloomberg tv idiot

I'm on my phone right now, so I'll wait until later tonight to destroy that rambling nonsense post you aimed at me, but posts like this are why you embarrass yourself every time you go on your conspiratorial rants.

OGC and Gallo (Gedanken) are both pretty well-informed posters on the field of economics. And they don't agree with each other. But they do both agree that you are a joke when it comes to the topic. You know NOTHING about economics...zero. They both know exponentially more about economics than you do, LeyeT. Yet you've called both of them of idiots just because they don't buy your Rothschild/Bank of England fed conspiracies and other bloviated fact-devoid bullshyt, as does no actual economist in aacademia who studies this stuff.

Instead of calling them idiots, you should be trying to learn from them so you can be better informed, or better yet, do your own research on actual published economic work, not YouTube videos and amateur conspiracy sites.

I got love for you, but I have no idea why choose to be so stubborn and dogmatic, and refuse to try and learn anything outside of what you would like to believe is true.


May 6, 2012
The governments debt has gone up substantially

but where does the government get the money to cover their debts?

the big banks while larger are more susceptible/exposed to failure. So if these entities are part of some conspiracy theory to line their pockets and keep the average joe in a position of stability so that he doesn't ruffle anyone's feathers...they are doing a fukkED UP JOB to say the very least.

didnt goldman sachs damn near have a record year last year? and arent we supposed to be in a recession? how many bank ceos made more in this recession in bonuses than most people will make in a lifetime?

The problem I have with you conspiracy theorist is that you attribute all problems to a narrow set of human emotions/actions specifically Greed,Power, Evil, and some grandiose idea of collusion among the elite. While I won't deny that those things are in small doses a part of our financial and political system, to be honest most things can be attributed to Arrogance (especially as it relates to the limitations of knowledge on the marketplace and in public policy), Incompetence, Shortsightedness, over-reliance on models/abstract equations in finance, and overoptimism on the continuation of economic growth on the part of politicians. But you and other conspiracy theorist won't look at the second set because it doesn't make for as a good a story inside your head, you would rather look at everything from good vs. evil paradigm instead of sitting your ass down and acknowledging the unfortunate truth that there is a great deal of grey area all throughout our important institutions.

i dont limit myself in the manner youre describing. i agree that the bold is a serious problem, but only mostly among the finance middlemen who dont know up from down... the top of the pyramid, the bosses, know exactly what the fukk is going on, which is why the shyt was planned and executed so precisely. anytime you have government regulations supporting the transfer of immense amount of wealth upwards you know its not a damn coincidence.

I'm on my phone right now, so I'll wait until later tonight to destroy that rambling nonsense post you aimed at me

dont bother. you are not a factor in this convo


here's another post you dapped from gallo:

I firmly believe that the Fed economists are the good guys.



May 25, 2012
Bronx, NYC
but where does the government get the money to cover their debts?

didnt goldman sachs damn near have a record year last year? and arent we supposed to be in a recession? how many bank ceos made more in this recession in bonuses than most people will make in a lifetime?

i dont limit myself in the manner youre describing. i agree that the bold is a serious problem, but only mostly among the finance middlemen who dont know up from down... the top of the pyramid, the bosses, know exactly what the fukk is going on, which is why the shyt was planned and executed so precisely. anytime you have government regulations supporting the transfer of immense amount of wealth upwards you know its not a damn coincidence.

dont bother. you are not a factor in this convo


here's another post you dapped from gallo:


Ok so I have question dikk Fuld was a boss and on the top of the pyramid and his company went under, even though he begged for a bailout. What is the reason the powers that be did not help him out?


May 6, 2012
Ok so I have question dikk Fuld was a boss and on the top of the pyramid and his company went under, even though he begged for a bailout. What is the reason the powers that be did not help him out?

because he wasnt really at the top of the pyramid :sitdown:

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
The great thing about conspiracy theories is they can be backed up by more conspiracy theories

LeyeT you said

there is an overwhelming amount of evidence that says the federal reserve, the government, and the high level bankshave been engaged in illegal activities and have caused, sustained, and worst of all FINANCIALLY BENEFITED FROM the current recession... and all this is just in the last few years, we wont even go into the history yet.

Lets start w/the most egregious allegation... where is the "overwhelming evidence" of these entities financially benefiting from the recession? I'm most curious about your evidence on the govt + Fed's spoils

-the three main entities who are in total control of our economic system, and who we look to to enforce economic responsibility and who also overlook economic progress-

Nobody is in total control of everything. Fed cut the rate to zero, Bush cut taxes, all to stimulate the economy. What did we get? A huge bubble, a near deflationary implosion, and a huge recession. Billions of dollars of equity, belonging to people all across the economic spectrum, wiped out in a matter of months. Where is your "overwhelming evidence" that anyone has benefited from this fiasco?

Domingo Halliburton

Handmade in USA
May 8, 2012
Brooklyn Without Limits
Ok so I have question dikk Fuld was a boss and on the top of the pyramid and his company went under, even though he begged for a bailout. What is the reason the powers that be did not help him out?

thats a very good question. Was Henry Paulson (former head of Goldman-Sachs) going to bail out one of his main rivals? a lot of conflict of interest exists.

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
look no further than that stupid ass post by gallo that you just dapped :ufdup:

:snoop: Do you ever even attempt to make sense? Once again, I have never been a fed apologist and you cannot find one single post of me ever being a fed apologist here or on the old site.

I dapped Gallo's post because it made perfect sense. He said he has reservations about the imbeciles in Congress getting too involved in making monetary policy, and we would be better off with economists at the Treasury or independent economics experts doing the auditing with which I agree. Maybe you think people like this fukking idiot should be meddling in monetary policy. I certainly do not.

Keep it real, you or I or any layperson like the people in Congress got a bunch of raw data from the Fed, we wouldn't know what the fukk we were looking at. It's sort of like having an average person meddling in experimental research in physics or chemistry. Monetary policy is should be conducted by experts in the field of economics, of which no one in Congress fits the bill. That is not being a Fed apologist. I'm all for oversight of the Fed, just not for oversight by young Earth creationists, birthers, and people who think the U.N. is plotting to ban golf. Once again, you are using a classic conspiracy theorist logical fallacy: "If someone doesn't agree with my baseless conspiracy, they are automatically in favor of and praising the target of the my baseless conspiracy."

And for the record Gallo (who I think is Gedanken from sohh) is about 1000x more knowledgeable than you on economics. You're making a fool out of yourself by constantly calling people who know more about a topic which you refuse to educate yourself on idiots and sheep or whatever.

real talk... in HL and in the US in general there is a fundamental misunderstanding of our economic system, and also the fed's role within that system.
You do not have ANY understanding of our economic system whatsoever. None. You don't even know the fukking basics...like Econ 101 in freshman college shyt. Monetary policy is complex even for people with a strong foundation in economics. Why are you even talking about it?

economics in itself is not an exact science true... for example in the present moment right here, right now, in order to be successful the US economy needs to do things differently policy wise than the french, who need to do things different policy wise from the japanese, who need to do things different policy wise than zimbabwe, and so on.... this is because all these countries are in a different economic stage of development, with different resources at their disposal (natural resources, human resources, technological resources, etc), with different natural advantages, different stakes in the global market, different demographics of people, different educational, political, and religious factors, different regions of the world, the list goes on, etc, etc.

but at the same time there are certain ECONOMIC PRINCIPLES that ANY COUNTRY CAN IMPLEMENT and have success with, no matter what their respective situations are. and these principles are not a secret, they are quite well known throughout the world, ESPECIALLY by the banking elite.

:laff: That is COMPLETE....UTTER....BULLshyt

You have no clue what you're talking about. None. For example, The U.S. the old U.S.S.R., China recently, Japan, Germany, Sweden, and Singapore have all managed sustained economic growth with entirely different economics models. Do you honestly think that there is ONE tried and true system of economic principles that guarantees successful results? :snoop:

Again, you know NOTHING about economics and you've proven that over and over again. You should stop trying to talk about it until you educate yourself at a rudimentary level. There are competing schools or economic theory. There's the Keynesian approach, the Austrian approach, Marxism, the Chicago school, etc. You can't even go to an economics department at any major university and find agreement on what the most effective economic principles are among the faculty.

so people like yourself claim there is no conspiracy on the part of the banking elite to extract the wealth of the world for themselves because you dont understand economics... and i dont mean that in any kind of malicious way, it's just a fact you have proven through your statements and by supporting the ignorant statements of others.

If "they" are doing it to extract wealth for themselves, they're doing a shytty ass job of it because they're not benefiting from the recession any more than they were during the growth period that preceded it. You're not making any sense.

The Fed cut interest rates to zero during Greenspan's tenure and we got a housing bubble and a gigantic craps table of derivatives being bet on which eventually imploded and billions in wealth were lost, so how exactly did they extract wealth by creating the recession?

That's the problem with conspiracy theorists like you. You don't objectively analyze data. You just create this paradigm in your mind of there are evil malevolent all-powerful forces at play and you fit every single thing that box and say that everything happens is a result of a plot by those evil malevolent all-powerful forces. The fed makes bad monetary policy based on bad economic theory at times. You totally discount the role of ideology and human flaw and attribute it all to an evil plot and pretend as if the Fed has supreme control over every aspect of the economy and nothing else matters except what they do.

you seem to have a firm grip on the fact that elite US financial institutions are greedy and shady and doing their best to rob the american people blind... and i applaud you for that...

but here's what you fail to realize... that NONE of this financial exploitation could take place without the willing help of the US government and its mechanisms to manage the economy, which includes the fed. NONE. this whole economic crisis could not have happened without the cooperation of the government and the fed. period.

You don't read my posts if you think that. If you did, you would know that I've stated over and over that it is greedy financial institutions that have influenced the government via lobbying and appointments within the Treasury and the highest levels of government that allow them to do what they do. I am fully well aware of the government and Feds role in financial collapse. I just don't believe that the Bank of England or the Rothschilds or whoever got together and purposely plotted together to destroy the economy on purpose.

I have a simple question: if your evil banking elite Fed conspiracy theories are real: Why isn't there one reputable Ph.D economist in academia in the country that believes in it? I'll wait.

and until you fully understand the above my friend, everything else will only confuse you.

You are completely and utterly confused. You don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about, but you insist on speaking as if you are expert. Learn about economics, then propose theories for fukk's sake. Read some books. Read some published economics material. Read some economics magazines and news articles. Watch PBS.

Here's some resources to help you.

Banking and Money | Khan Academy


May 6, 2012
Once again, I have never been a fed apologist and you cannot find one single post of me ever being a fed apologist here or on the old site.

I've never sucked the fed's dikk or said they're the goods guys

:wtf: are you insane? i JUST quoted a post from gallo that you dapped, and in that post he states:

I firmly believe that the Fed economists are the good guys.

and you co signed that shh... its even uses the specific term "good guys" lol so wtf are you talking about... i worry about you sometimes vic :ld:

and the rest of your post was :trash: but i do have one question... and forget the rothchilds or the bank of england or conspiracies or whatever... put that out of your mind for a sec

if you acknowledge the role of the government in creating financial inequality, WHY do you think they are actively participating?

do you think they are ignorant to what they're doing? that this is just incompetence on their part?

or do you think they are getting paid to assist in the financial robbery of the people, through campaign contributions, money off the books, and the like?

or is it a combination of things?

im not trying to attack you, i genuinely want to hear your perspective :obama:

because either all this is happening on accident, and we just so happen to be the ones getting fukked.

or all this is happening on purpose.

and if you ask me, the evidence supports that this was a coordinated effort between corporations, big banks, the federal reserve, and government regulators in the area of finance. because none of these entities could have done this without the help and cooperation of the other entities, they all needed to be complicit.

Where is your "overwhelming evidence" that anyone has benefited from this fiasco?

5 min google search:

Goldman Sachs Posts Record Profit, Beating Estimates (Update4) - Bloomberg

In Congress nearly half the members are millionaires- MSN Money

and i think this last one focuses a little too much on race, but im just trying to demonstrate the wealth gap is continuously expanding

Recession widens the wealth gap by race - Jun. 21, 2012

think about it like this... if you invite 4 of your friends over to your house to play poker or watch the game or whatever, and in the process $10,000 is stolen from your closet but you dont know who did it. and the next day one of your friends shows up with a new diamond rolex and a ferrari on lease, it aint gonna take you long to put 2 and 2 together and you gonna start pressing that naga.

its the same shyt man... wealth is never destroyed only transferred. millions of people around america are being pushed into poverty, and that trend will continue. and at the same time these elites popping up with record years in profits, and at the same time more money than ever being transferred into the top 1%, and yall idiots asking where the money went?! trillions go missing from the system and yall asking where the fukking money went?!?! lol this cant be life :bryan:

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
I LITERALLY laughed out loud when I opened the first link. Why??? Its from 3 years ago. Not only that, they paid back the bailout money they got along w/$400 million in dividends... IOW, barring any other evidence you can post, as far as GS is concerned we made money on the bailout

And you wanna know how GS has been doing since then???

Goldman Sachs reports third quarter loss of $393m | Business | The Guardian <---- Oct 2011

Goldman Sachs Employees On Bonus Day: 'It's A Bloodbath' <---- Jan 2012

<--- March 2012

I don't even like GS, I def think there could be fishy things going on between them and the Fed, but at the end of the day given the beating they've been taking this year they seem to be doing a pretty damn good job hiding it

Unless that's a conspiracy too :rolleyes:

Everyone knows the wealth gap is expanding, the difference between you and other people is others can look objectively to see what the actual reasons are (changes in skill demand, increased competition from abroad, monetary policy that punishes traditional saving, declining prioritization of science and education in general, increases in costs of the 3Hs- housing, healthcare, higher education) rather than using tenuous links & goofy vague analysis to come to a predetermined conclusion ("THE BANKS ARE ROBBING US, BUT I CAN'T SAY HOW SPECIFICALLY")

Are there problems? Of course, I don't think anyone disagrees there, the country is getting gangbanged economically right now. But foaming at the mouth and scapegoating one group when by varying degrees EVERYONE is somewhat responsible for where we are is just ass backwards