Easily one of the least informed people on here, so basically you're saying PS4 is capable of rendering Avatar..........

guess reading comprehension isn't your strong suit
I said
approaching Avatar. You obviously need to learn how to read more closely. I REPEATEDLY said in the other thread dedicated to next gen graphics that we are probably gonna have to wait for the PS5 for graphics equivalent to Avatar. But I believe that 4-5 years into this gen we should see the same leap in graphics over the life of the PS4 that we saw in the PS3. If the live demos we saw today are the baseline for the bottom scale of what this system is capable of (no reason to think otherwise since games that came out at launch for PS3 are vastly inferior to games made now), then we have alot to look forward to.
Maybe you nikkas weren't impressed but I thought games like Killzone, Deep Down, Watch Dogs, and Drive Club were phenomenal graphically. A definite big leap forward. In some scenes, it looked like CGI you would've seen in movies around the early 2000s. The fact the PS4 is capable of that at this stage is incredible. I'm confident that games
approaching Avatar level graphics should be possible in 4-5 years once developers learn to get the most out of this system. Just like some developers were able to get the most out of the PS3 in producing games like Uncharted 3, which shyt graphically on every game on the PS3 at launch.