8 Powerful Photos - Hunts Point, South Bronx


Apr 30, 2012
I am not saying we don't have choices...

I am saying, the way we make our choices are not completely in our control...I actually believe that I have ZERO control over the way I make a choice at any given time...

We, born today, have been programmed to believe that we have control...Humans before us didn't always believe this...People in the past were ready to die for their kings and gods without thinking twice...The thought of doing anything other then that, would have seemed ridiculous, if it even occurred to them...That's just an example...

Another example is, some Canadian child could tell his mother to fck off if she tried to get him to do chores around the house...But some Japanese child would not even consider it...

(1) From taking basic psychology and sociology courses, and reading about how scientists have conducted experiments that made participants behave in ways that they thought that they never would...

(2) From thinking about slavery and other human atrocities and realizing that I could have easily been that Nazi torturer or slave owner who thought black people were only 3/5ths of a human being..

(3) From seeing the changes in Apartheid, woman's rights, our current views on homosexuality, interracial relationships and many other ideologies...

I just CANNOT believe that we have as much control as we think we have...If we did, these changes would not occur the way they did...

How the hell did we go from believing that a king was sent from god, and he owned us, our lands, animals, family and friends, to say fcuk George Bush, that dude is an idiot, and living the next day...?

We take this for granted, but it is an AMAZING change in social consciousness...

shytt is DEEP...

yeah, some people are born into crappy situations with little CHANCE to succeed. Some people are born into rich family with every adantage to succeed.

But everyone on some level, has a chance. Some are just smaller than others.

But if I decide to smoke weed all day, drink, have 4-5 kids, dont support them and be broke and bumming money....that's a CHOICE I made. I can't sit here and say, "well I was pre-disposed to making this choice", b/c everyone else could've made tht choice too