And you guys thought Ric Flair looked washed 

He loses in front of everyone, to a fan favorite, and turns it into cheers.The crowd reaction after the promo he cut after he lost told me he got it
I wanna put my tongue in hayters butt. Is that too much to ask![]()
I'm really hoping they make that wedding happen ASAP because, with Sammy's age and track record, this has all the makings of good old-fashioned carny drama that'll get unveiled in someone's shoot interview decades from now.![]()
How Beans never ran into that door is beyond meHobbs got the GOAT mean mug in da biznesh'
Battle of the forgotten brothers.![]()
Who says that? That's like 99% of Dark and Dark Elevation matches"AeW DoEsN't Do SqUaSh MaTcHeS"
It was written so shall it beBeanie Hobbs![]()
That's the big man main event due feud they got. Need to keep them away and let them cook in they own universes for a minute. But eventually Hobbs definitely needs a shot at that belt. Maybe for the Nov ppvWe need a Hobbs vs. Wardlow cage match.