Post from another forum sums it all up #dixery #strugglepact
That was actually mildly heart-breaking to read (especially in an English accent).
To be honest, I'd rather TNA be successful b/c the format is perfect. It comes on once a week and the guys can really go (Aries/Daniels was fukking amazing at the end).
It's easy to follow and even when it's bad, it's still pretty entertaining. It's like watching a school where the kids have so much potential to be great even though they don't have the money and resources that other kids have, but the administration has no structure so it's all a big mess.
Bully Ray's evolved. Styles is one of the best in-ring workers on cable TV, top 5 easily. Daniels, Hardy, Storm, Roode, Joe, Magnus...they're legit, but they're forced to flounder because of the idiots running the show.
...and if I have to the shameless shilling of "a fight on November 2nd" one more time...
This is coming from someone that's an MMA fan. It's fukked up, man.