Why is everyone so sure Braun turned heel? You all said this last week about Ambrose and Rollins and you see how that turned out. Sounds like Stroman is just giving Reigns a taste of his own medicine instead of a heel turn. He'll need to cut a "You People" promo before he's considered a heel. But I have to ask again; why do you all watch this shyt? I used to come to these threads to follow the show in real time, then to see if there were any segments worth watching on the DVR, and now just to watch weekly meltdowns. When are you all going to stop putting yourselves through this? You all are going to watch SD tomorrow just to complain about Road Dogg and Becky Lynch being a heel. There's no way you all are watching to be entertained because none of what I read sounds entertaining. This isn't even death throes late WCW bad with entertaining or puzzling fukkery; this is just such a terrible and terribly boring product. Might be time for y'all to start stanning the Bullet Club. Stan some winners for once.