8-23-15 SummerSlam thread - Step On Stage The Crowds Boo Too Much; Will Cena Tie Flair?


Jul 22, 2014
agree to disagree but look at it like this

Cena tried to straight up go against Lesnar and got dominated
Cena and Rollins at the same time tried it and it didn't work
Reigns tried to go toe to toe with Lesnar and got dominated
Rollins tried to outsmart him and used his speed and it didn't work and got dominated in the process

Taker has to look at all of this and think to himself, what can i do that they aren't doing? What one sure fire way to completely take away that dominance for a period of time but also is quick and unexpected?

You make a valid point.
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Broad Street Bully

Sick & Tide Sixers/Phillies/Cowboys fan smh
Dec 1, 2013
Philly. Fucc a Eagle. I mean dat.
"You ain't about to no sell me, motherfukk3r":laugh:
:laff: :laff: what the fukk


Early 2010's OG
Aug 23, 2012
Alright, I've had time to process and digest this overnight, so my overall thoughts on SummerSlam were that it was okay. Not great, certainly not a classic, and sure as fukk not as good as NXT Takeover, but it was still decent. The guys and gals went all out in their matches, so I'm not faulting the performers, just some of the booking.

Randy and Sheamus continue to have good chemistry, even though I have never cared for any of their feuds. Good opener, though.

Tag Title was probably my choice for MOTN, and that's 90% thanks to the New Day. Kalisto was awesome, Titus was beasting, but from their entrance, their promo, their gear, Kofi's kicks, Xavier's hyping and the celebration dancing, ND stole the show for me on this one. I like PTP, but I am SO glad the New Day are champs again.

The Amell match was easy the predict, but was still okay for what we expected. As long as Arrow didn't get hurt, everyone won. Well, except Barrett, of course. :mjlol:

Rusev and Ziggler create an interesting contrast of look and style in the ring, but I was very meh on the double countout. Guess this means this struggle shyt is gonna continue to NOC. :francis: At least we got barefoot Lana. :obama:

Roman and Dean had a good match with the Wyatts, even though the crowd felt like shytting on Roman even he has more than proved himself in my eyes. Kinda expected a Dean heel turn, so when it just ended, I was just like :patrice:.

IC title match was short, sweet and to the point. I'm no Ryback fan, but I respect what he's doing with the IC title. Thank God Big Show or fukking Miz didn't win.

Even though KO/Cesaro got the death slot, they still got the crowd going and put on a good show. Owens BADLY needed this win, so Swiss Supes had no choice but to take this "L".

Divas match was fine, and the Bellas didn't win. Success! But seriously, I would have loved to see more of Sasha here. I know she had a grueling match the night before, but so did Owens, and he got some time. Why couldn't Sasha? :comeon: Anyways, the Bella Broads didn't win, so I was kinda satisfied. I just want Nikki to lose the fukking title already since she ain't doing shyt with it, but WWE is so steadfast with wanting to erase AJ out of spite, so we gotta suffer through another month of this lazy title reign. :stopitslime:

Cena and Rollins was very good, and Seth looked outstanding, wrestling like a babyface for about 95% of the match. Jon Stewart getting involved was hilarious, but so damn confusing. The last time he was in the ring with Seth, he kicked him in the balls. Why would he help him now, especially when they didn't even remotely build to that moment AT ALL. Still a cool match, though.

Now for the main event. I loved how they just started out guns blazing early on, showing how intense and personal this was. It had a big fight feel and was playing out like a heavyweight slugfest (for you boxing heads, think Bowe/Holyfield, to an extent.)

Taker still put on a great show, even at his age with his body breaking down on him. It shows that the concussion definitely hurt the WM 30 match more than anything. I still can't believe that F5 through the table. My God, Taker.

The sit up laugh spot was wonderful, Taker still coming back was dramatic, and a great story was being told. But the execution of the bell spot might have looked good on paper, but came off as awkward when it's all said and done. Taker "officially" got his win while Brock passed out in glorious one finger salute style, so he wasn't made to look weak either.

As a Taker fan, seeing him react in relief when his hand was raised almost made me legit tear up, knowing that he has NEVER beaten Lesnar one on one before. Seeing him collapsing made me worry, but I think it was part selling, part adrenaline dump more than anything. Taker knew the territory when it comes to working with Brock, and he was walking to his hotel fine later, even though he was limping.

Pretty sure we'll see at least one more match between these two, but I'm really hoping it's not at Mania. You FINALLY have Taker and Sting under the same umbrella, so to not use them in a match together would be incredibly asinine, IMO.

Overall, SummerSlam 2015 gets an even (Stevens) 7 out of 10 for me. Matches were very good, but some of the finishes left something to be desired.


Jun 3, 2012
Just realized the ending of Cena/Rollins was straight jacked from the Johnny Mundo/Alberto El Patron match at Ultima Lucha. Ref gets knocked out, the face technically has the heel beat but the ref is still out, heel gets help from an outsider (Melina in the case of Mundo/Alberto) and wins the match when the ref comes to. Except that every bit of it made sense in Mundo/Alberto and nothing made sense about Stewart helping Seth.
Stewart helping Seth did make sense tho. There was foreshadowing in his conversation with Heyman when he kept passionately stressing how he was a Wrestling Fan (possibly even a smark)and how fans were so devastated by The Streak ending because it something they loved and expected every year.

"Wrestling Fans" Hate John Cena and hate him winning championships even more. Stewart spent 16 years on The Daily Show being a man of the people, fighting injustice and to wrestling fans there would be no bigger injustice than John Cena tieing Ric Flair's record and stomping out a rising Star in Seth Rollins at the same time. So Stewart attacked Cena cause had a chance that no other wrestling fan had to stop John Cena in his tracks. I don't know if that's how they'll explain it but that actually does make some sense.
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