I don't think Errol would fake an injury. Especially now when you can just use covid as an excuse for anything. Even if he did fake an injury, why would he go the eye injury route?....just seems like too much of a hassle. He could've even said rib injury. Or hand injury. Something that doesn't require surgery and just chilled. Anything except the eye. Now he gotta walk around with an eye patch for weeks just to keep up the act

......just doesn't sound logical. I do believe he really hurt his eye. But I also believe he hurt his eye cause he's physically not the same guy anymore. And I don't think he ever will be. The protective tissue in his face and specifically his eye is not ever getting back to what it was pre-accident. And that puts him at high risk to keep getting injured like this.
It's a shame but it still coulda been way worse. I Think his team would be stupid as hell to put him in with pac right off the bat. Pac will be targeting that eye from the jump. Which is why I don't think we'll ever see this fight get made again. It's just not looking good for Spence's career right now.