Mr. Leonidas
All Star
easy work for Joshua
hiring Robert Garcia was the right move. AJ has all the advantages, just needs to let his hands go and make it a fight

easy work for Joshua
hiring Robert Garcia was the right move. AJ has all the advantages, just needs to let his hands go and make it a fight
Joshua didn't lose by a lucky punch or gassing out or something. He also wasn't chasing Usyk around the ring or whatever.
Usyk stood in the middle of the ring and beat this dude up for 12 rounds and the size difference is the only thing that kept him on his feet.
If Usyk hit so soft AJ was willing to walk through it to get to him he would've. But instead he got rocked with a left in the first round and learnt better.
Waaaaaay too many things need to be different for this fight to have even a remotely different outcome. one of joshua's biggest fans on here...the ruiz fight there were many reasons why that defeat happened and it was corrected..this one there was absolutely none...a close fight that usyk caused clear separation in the rounds he needed to do it...aggressive is one thing but usyk is too sharp a puncher for that and now he's bulked up theres a good chance he's going to have more behind his punches if he sits on them
true but usyk has also shown he can actually hurt joshua and he is technically sound...its a tradeoff but i dont think it will really come into play until at the earliest mid fightBut he'll lose stamina and speed. Not necessarily a good trade off
Not necessarilyBut he'll lose stamina and speed. Not necessarily a good trade off
if the card starts at 10 am that means you live in a far enough time zone from SAis this gonna be one of those UK fights that comes on at 10am that everyone will miss because no one got up that early?