fine...but Drew and Bobby should be feuding with the upstart guys to DEVELOP them. Drew and Bobby shouldn't be feuding over that title. I'll say what i said before, yall can't complain that WWE doesn't develop anyone, then argue they shouldn't develop anyone. Can't be on both sides of that argument. Bobby Roode should have been feuding with a guy like Gargano, since he's more of an upstart babyface guy. Drew McIntyre should have been feuding with a heel like Velveteen. Helping develop those younger guys.
Edit: and there's a difference between guys that are like these lifer generic indy guys and someone like Rusev or Jinder. We all understand them pulling from the indies, but you get a guy like Roderick Strong who's just a lifer indy guy that ultimately has added nothing to NXT because we all know he's not there for shyt. The time they spend on him could have been used on someone they need to develop. And who isn't an indy guy? Braun, Alexa, Carmella, Big E, Baron, Hardy's, USOS, etc...they do have people that weren't indy people, and alot of people aren't lifer indy people.