Not been watching TV since 'Mania, so went in fairly cold.
Not a bad show overall - WWE are really suffering from a lack of angles, but the talent is there... begging to be used properly. The only angle with any sort of real audience buy-in seems to be Drake Maverick and the 24/7 Championship, which is a (well told, at least) joke anyway.
Becky/Natty was decent, but I Becky needed to heel it up more for the crowd. The Man gimmick can get away with pissing off the odd arena and Toronto would've turned on her properly if she'd let them.
Ziggler got the best match possible out of Oldberg.
Styles/Ricochet has some prime flippy countercounter shyt, but AJ hasn't managed to turn the crowd properly yet as a heel so it just felt a bit flat to me.
Bayley vs Ember meh - again, no heat.
KO/Shane was entertaining... Shane really needs to hang it up, but they did a good job with the format and the last sequence with the ref down was jokes.
Charlotte/Trish - a lot better than I expected. Trish obviously did a fair bit of work with Charlotte in the run up. Say what you will about Charlotte's booking and billion-times champ status, she's just about the only woman they have who doesn't *need* to be in a belt-chase anymore. Walking heat. Every Charlotte PPV match feels like a championship's on the line and she can carry part-timers to very watchable exhibition matches... this was good booking.
I actually really dug the booking for the finish of Kofi/Orton - felt like a real moment where both of them just lost sight of the competition, but that should've been the last PPV and then the gimmick big show blow-off at Summerslam... unless they're going to ride it to Survivor Series, which I very much doubt the ADHD hamsters they have booking story arcs have got the attention spans for - maybe they'll make it to HIAC.
The Fiend is great - if Bray can keep the energy up, they've got something there - obviously a match with the Demon is on the horizon, but he could go further with it... and I'm glad that for once they're resurrecting an old finisher AND protecting it with the Mandible Claw actually being used properly to knock mfs out.
I don't give a fukk about Seth or Brock.