The problem is simple.
Men know that Marriage is hell and are somewhat prepare for what's to come. That's why it's so hard for us to agree to get married.
Women dream of a fairytale wedding and marriage. America teaches our women that the deserve all of their hearts desires. Endless love and happiness no matter what horrible decision they make.
Marriage is so stupid nowadays. The only marriages I see working are my brothers in Louisiana. Where the girls come from the country with both parents. Where the man is a leader and alpha male type. And the woman is down to earth, submissive, realistic, non-material, non-ratchet. The type that put family over careers. You fools can't see the type to marry anyway. You can't contain these career driven, love to travel, love to eat out, hangout, be out all the time type chicks. You can't please them. Nothing is enough. Get married bruhs.