Who's saying that

.....pretty much everybody except you Spence stans agree this is a 50-50 fight. Spence can definitely hurt bud if he catches him clean. But it goes both ways and that's what you Spence stans don't wanna admit. Yall stay acting like dude is invincible.
You guys trashed everyone who said he was gonna struggle with porter. Said it would be easy work and porter was getting ko'd. Then after the fight Spence only struggled because he fought down to porters level. Whenever Spence struggles it's always cause he allowed it to happen

......y'all keep ignoring his glaring flaws that he's shown in all of his biggest fights. And it won't be any different in this one. He's still got the power and workrate that could give bud issues. But he's also got many holes defensively that are gonna give bud plenty of opportunities to light him up. Spence's chin is going to get touched early and often.