Porter was cashed out against Crawford. The risk/reward probably made sense since he ain't really a profitable asset like that and it was an opportunity for him to get a belt in the best case or just retire anyway in the worst case. If you remember PBC had NO money at stake for that fight. They sent Porter off to be retired , got their cut and moved on. Basically the definition of cashing out on a fighter you have no intentions of investing in anymore
Why Wilder sought out Fury when he did has been well discussed on here. Also I'm not arguing that PBC never fight TR guys, I'm talking about Crawford situation specifically
He suing Arum cause Arum didn't deliver on a promise he made contractually. That's not mutually exclusive of PBC avoiding the fight. The clause is evidence that fighting Spence was a condition of him resigning with TR in fact

. absolves Crawford of any ducking and at least to some degree shows that Arum was at least optimistic about making the fight since as you noted PBC and TR have worked together multiple times.....
Now can you explain what PBC made up the term "side of the street" when it came to a Spence/Bud fight
Why they postponed this fight for a year and half for no discernible reason
Why they lied on camera about paying ppl guarantees or this being a fight that no one will buy
Why, according to the Steven A interview, Spence had to shelve himself to FORCE pbc to make this fight?
i'll wait