That's the thing a lot of romatic Repats try to go back to the village despite living in an urban situation they're whole life trying to connect to their roots and the "real Africa". Accra is just as African as some small ass village.RIP awful news. Hope the killers are met with the full force of the law.
I noted she was in the village and not an urban area. I think that’s much more dangerous. A lot of hungry people out there. And less people around and less educated.
When I went to live in Africa I spent the majority of my Time in a Deluxe apartment in the sky and felt just as African as my neighbors.
I remember an ex girlfriend got heavy into African Dance and a Senegalese chick started working at her Job when my girl told her she was doing dances from her Tribe The Senegales chick was surprised? She said Why do you want to do those Bush dances? This was back in the days so the Senegalese chick turned on the radio and Are you that somebody? Came on and she started lipsynching Timbalands lyrics