60 Minutes: the guy who killed bin Laden has a fake face


Jun 8, 2012
They pumped hella rounds into OBL no way did they want to capture him alive. The head shot would've been enough if they cared about making sure he wasn't armed, they seen him shaking and aired him out all the way. If he told the truth about the fact that they went in to strictly kill every male in the building dude would've suddenly committed suicide and not voluntarily. Imagine if they had captured OBL and put him on trial, his ppl would've been kidnapping Americans and offing them everyday until he was released.

he would've never been released no matter how many americans were snatche dup. they would've told people "ALL AMERICANS or FRIENDS of america abroad. stay away from mosques, stay away from iran, iraq, and any of the stans. lol cause we putting this fool on trial on USTREAM for all to watch as we give him the Death penalty and show it on TV.

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
DEVGRU (what the general public calls Seal Team Six) are definitely some of the world's elite, but there are plenty of well trained, well equipped and well experienced units in the world.

The problem with this operation is there are too many holes in it. The famous picture of the "Situation Room" with Obama, Biden, etc. has been proven to be a staged photo. Completely contrived. The horrible excuse for not showing "Osama"'s body, the proximity of the "compound" with the Pakistani intelligence agency, just a whole ton of bullshyt that makes no sense.

The day he was "killed" was disgusting. Just typical bullshyt to ensure the false narrative of 9/11 was fulfilled and perpetuated. Definitely was ashamed of how easily our country's citizens eat this shyt up.

Well, what do u think happened then? What's your theory of 9/11 and who did it and why it happened?


...fresh outta fux...
May 1, 2012
Matt Bissonnette: Guys start making their way up the stairs. And it's quiet. It's pitch black in the house. No lights. All night vision. Get to the second floor. Intel had said, "Hey, we think that Khalid, his son, lives on the second floor."

Scott Pelley: This is Osama bin Laden's son?

Bissonnette: Yeah. The guy in front of me who is point man, he sees the head pop out and disappear really quick around the corner. He's like, "OK, you know, what -- who is it? What do you think?" "Yeah, I don't know." He literally whispers, not amped up, not yelling, not anything. He whispers, "Hey, Khalid. Khalid." He whispers Khalid's name. Doesn't know if it's Khalid or not. Khalid literally looks back around the edge of the hall. And he shoots him. What was Khalid thinking at that time? Look around the corner. Curiosity killed the cat. I guess Khalid too.

made up or not...


Jah Sun Ma'at Ra
May 8, 2012
It's a PR disaster going to court with one of the men that killed Bin Laden essentially weeks before an election

do u think its a coincidence that this story is coming out right now?

This is nothing more then a way to put into peoples minds that Obama is the one responsible for the mission that supposedly killed Os@m@.

They have this guy distance himself from the president by saying they didnt like him, to connect with the naysayers, then have him he tell a first hand story on an issue that alot of people have doubts about.

Now you have the Os@m@ issue headlining newspapers and television AGAIN.....with no one actually questioning if it happended but rather questioning if the book should be released, right before election time.

Its a smart move on their part.

My only point is that you're an idiot if u think that this guy would be able to write a book like this and have it published without the official/unofficial go ahead from the U.S. government


Boricua Guerrero
May 6, 2012
Philly #ByrdGang #TPC
do u think its a coincidence that this story is coming out right now?

This is nothing more then a way to put into peoples minds that Obama is the one responsible for the mission that supposedly killed Os@m@.

They have this guy distance himself from the president by saying they didnt like him, to connect with the naysayers, then have him he tell a first hand story on an issue that alot of people have doubts about.

Now you have the Os@m@ issue headlining newspapers and television AGAIN.....with no one actually questioning if it happended but rather questioning if the book should be released, right before election time.

Its a smart move on their part.

My only point is that you're an idiot if u think that this guy would be able to write a book like this and have it published without the official/unofficial go ahead from the U.S. government
how can they stop him from writing a book? by killing him? come one man

U.S. says surprised by Navy SEAL's book on bin Laden raid
Panetta complains Navy SEAL book not vetted by Pentagon

Pentagon escalates case that former Navy SEAL broke secrecy pledge

this guy tried to "Swift boat" Obama by taking one of his biggest accomplishments but it just didn't work out that way

Doctor Gonzo

Head full of acid
May 7, 2012
Matt Bissonnette: Guys start making their way up the stairs. And it's quiet. It's pitch black in the house. No lights. All night vision. Get to the second floor. Intel had said, "Hey, we think that Khalid, his son, lives on the second floor."

Scott Pelley: This is Osama bin Laden's son?

Bissonnette: Yeah. The guy in front of me who is point man, he sees the head pop out and disappear really quick around the corner. He's like, "OK, you know, what -- who is it? What do you think?" "Yeah, I don't know." He literally whispers, not amped up, not yelling, not anything. He whispers, "Hey, Khalid. Khalid." He whispers Khalid's name. Doesn't know if it's Khalid or not. Khalid literally looks back around the edge of the hall. And he shoots him. What was Khalid thinking at that time? Look around the corner. Curiosity killed the cat. I guess Khalid too.

made up or not...
"Here kitty, kitty" :lolbron:
*someone peeks around corner* :sitdown:

SEAL: :ufdup: :heh:
Target: :dead:


May 29, 2012
Well, what do u think happened then? What's your theory of 9/11 and who did it and why it happened?

What do I think happened as far as the OBL raid? I think it was a compound that was likely used as an ISA/CIA asset. The rumor is that in exchange for the US ceasing operations in Pakistan/Waziristan the ISA (Pakistan's CIA) would play along with this operation. I think it was staged to look like a raid was occurring to drum up support for the re-election. Who really knows, but Osama has likely been dead for a decade or so. He was terminally ill and could only survive on dialysis.

As far as 9/11? I don't know what really happened. No one does, except for whoever conducted it. The fact remains that the story our government has provided us doesn't add up.

If I had to guess who really conducted 9/11 it was probably the CIA in conjunction with another private entity. Who really knows. Keep in mind, The Gulf Of Tonkin incident (which was used to help justify the Vietnam war) was declassified 50 years later to be completely made up and embellished. It took 50 years for the NSA to finally elucidate as to what really happens, so these false flag events are not unusual or uncommon. False flags whether intentional or accidental have been used since the USS Maine, the Reichstag fire, the Gulf of Tonkin, and now 9/11. These are not uncommon occurrences in history.

Now as far as why or what a motive would be? That's an easier thing to answer. 9/11 has been used to frame and manipulate the American public and even our legislators to accept that Islamic radicals are a genuine threat to our well-being. Therefore, they have convinced said legislators to pass new legislation that would essentially legalize warrentless wiretaps and in some cases, suspending habeus corpus, thereby giving the justification by the govt. to jail or detain anyone under the guise of "national security". Besides that, it was used to help justify the invasion of Afghanistan.

Afghanistan is basically the world's biggest stash of unrefined heroin. If you control Afghanistan, you basically control the world's heroin supply. The Taliban outlawed and destroyed the production and selling of heroin while they were in power. The Taliban also refused to allow UNOCAL to build a pipeline that would stretch from the Caspian Sea throughout Afghanistan.

The CIA is notorious for being one of the worlds biggest smugglers of illegal narcotics to fund their illegal and secretive operations. Also, Afghanistan is apart of strategic posturing as far as boxing in Iran. (Iran is boxed in between Afghanistan and Iraq, which surprise, are two countries we invaded and effectively took control of)

On another note, one of the big rumors as far as why Pat Tillman was murdered is that he was going to go public and make a big hooplah as far as our real reasons for being in Afghanistan, it has come out that he was likely murdered by someone in the military to make sure that didn't happen. There is also tremendous potential as far as redeveloping in these states. Who do you think gets awarded with contracts to rebuild the infrastructure of these countries? Halliburton, Bechtel, etc. etc., all of them are private contractors that have/had ties to the govt.

These private interests have hijacked our military, our intelligence services, and the will's of our nation to execute whatever would serve their agenda.

In essence, all of these operations are to help seize and control valuable resources, strategic posturing, and generate tremendous amounts of revenue through rebuilding.


May 29, 2012
how can they stop him from writing a book? by killing him? come one man

U.S. says surprised by Navy SEAL's book on bin Laden raid
Panetta complains Navy SEAL book not vetted by Pentagon

Pentagon escalates case that former Navy SEAL broke secrecy pledge

this guy tried to "Swift boat" Obama by taking one of his biggest accomplishments but it just didn't work out that way

The reality is he wasn't vetted and noone really knows who he is. For all you or I know, he could be a CIA asset used to help stem or stop any questions that arise in regards to the "raid." Baisonette is likely a government asset and it is being made like he is making some behind the scenes, enlightening book when in reality, the entire thing might as well be fictional.

If this book were real and the information really that secret? This man would be detained and a cease and desist order would likely be issued. He is literally revealing classified information and the government/military's response is uncharacteristic and bizarre. So obviously, the military/government WANTS this information to get out.