Got some piff to watch tonight
Same here watched that first 20 minutes. Seeing dudes getting flung from cars as they crash was neat the first 3 times then after the 20th time it's likejust watched 40 minutes. the first 20 minutes is basically a non-stop balls to the wall car chase through Italy and... it was some of the most boring shyt I've ever seen. I don't know what it is about mind-numbingly stupid action and reckless death scenes, but i just don't give 2 shyts about it. This is trying to be Netflix's answer to the Fast series for sure.
I legit turned it off after five minutes because of this in the car chase. A semi or dump truck scrapes the left side of the car and knocks off the side mirror...then the very next scene the side mirror is on. After that, Ryan Reynolds has his head out the car window for some reason...then it kept alternating between his head being out the window and another shot where he was inside the car.Decent action flick. Seemed a little long and a bit repetitive scene structure wise.
Over the top af with the explosions but it's Bay so it is what it is.
That whole magnet thing was kinda corny but fit the movie.
Wish they would have incorporated the citizens of the country being ready to revolt a little more leading up to it. Its like bruh got on tv and all of a sudden everybody in the streets rioting they could have built that up more.
Also the continuity of the 1st scene bothered me with 6 and his hat how you let something like that slip in the 1st damn scene?