I don't think any male in that locker room or even in the wrestling business can pull off the gimmick like Toni Storm has. Her mannerisms, accent, everything, just incredible. She is portraying an actress and is actually acting like one. Problem with the men and of course the women as well are that they are portraying themselves most of the time. Easier to portray a regular motherfukker from like middle of the country somewhere than an old movie star type of character.
Ask Toni Storm: Who you supposed to be? She'll say, a big movie star darling.
Ask others: Who are you supposed to be? They'll say, my damn self.
Don't know where her trajectory is going or if its gonna mean an end to the reign at wembley but i know they gonna build a great storyline and hopefully she can continue in that role to some capacity. Maybe a more darker version after if she gonna split with Mariah and chase the title in the future but still with the same character development and efforts that she has been doing all along.